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They never expected to see their professor on the weekend, much less like this...

While DVU has a lovely town grown around it, there are few things that call to bored students quite like the big city. Small bars & homegrown shops are all well & good, but nothing beats the hustle & bustle of the the shimmering skyscrapers, vast shopping districts, and limitless other experiences built up just a few miles south of the campus town...

It was meant to be their day off - the small group of students, all looking to unwind during Spring Break. Though Ms Malloy, their professor, had been lenient with their vacation assignments, she made sure to warn them about going downtown. "Be careful!" She had written, with a casual, playful air, " You just might run into me down there too!"

They had shared a good-natured chuckle, and thought nothing of it. After all, what would have been the big deal with seeing her in the city?

While the yelling should have tipped them off, their bus crashing into a mountain of white pudge did the job. Luckily no one was injured, but in a fit of panic, all of the passengers raced out of the doors...just as a massive, pudgy forearm slammed into the roof, immediately flattening their vehicle.

The students - Chumbo, Lilith, Lola, Baizhu, Cherry & PMM, - all froze with dread, recognizing that shade of pearly blue anywhere.

"What did I tell you, gentlefriends~?"

Her voice was far deeper and louder at that size, but there was no mistaking who it really was. Their professor easily scooped them up in her massive paws, each easily the size of a sedan, and held them close to her face,

"I said you might run into me...now, how's about a few extra points added to your grade? I've got a fun place for each of you to stay for the weekend~"

The group weren't really in any place to negotiate. Slowly, gently, the stadium-sized bear found a special nook or cranny of her voluptuous form to squeeze them in, her pudge soft but heavy enough to keep them in her grasp.

Cherry even found themselves resting on her tongue, the pooling saliva around their (admittedly sweet) fur making the bear's intentions clear.

Even on break, the professor knows how to keep her students occupied~


A bit simpler, but I couldn't help but love the idea of a big group pic! Thank you all, so much for making this Macro March one of the best I've ever had - I just hope you don't mind how I plan on enjoying the last week of it~


Thank you all again for your incredible support!





omega wolfie

Ouu my I love this!~ I gotta say tho best spots are the #1 booba #2 maw and #3 the soft belly :3