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They might have taken their adventure too far...

Despite her more meek disposition, Piper is more than happy to explore fantasies and indulge in roleplay with her beloved Angus, her dashing wolf boyfriend. They loved to craft moments together, play in new ways, and grow closer together with each moment spent in each other's arms.

This March, Angus set them up with quite the surprise...

They had spoken about desires to play with differing sizes, to indulge in a macro fantasy, so when the offer hit Angus' inbox, he was quick to pounce. A set of pills, each intended to bring one to a colossal height for a short time... he couldn't resist. Within a few days, the cerulean envelope was received, and the pills revealed to the pleasantly nervous couple.

They wanted to be smart, be considerate - though they wished to revel in size, they didn't actually want to hurt anyone! - so they planned a road trip to a secluded portion of countryside. The fields were sweeping, the grass was soft, and there weren't any buildings for miles - this would be perfect!

As they loaded their car for the trip, Angus mentioned popping the pills before they left. Considering how long pills take to metabolize, they could time it to where their growth would begin RIGHT when they entered the countryside... enjoying as much time as they could with their newfound size.

What they didn't account for, were the quirks in such an experiment.

They began to grow nervous when their fur started to itch a little, while they were still trapped in traffic. They didn't think it would take this long to leave the city! The pair soon began to swell, their limbs ballooning in size by the second.

With a glance, they knew what they had to do - bail out of the car, and hope the damage would be minimal.

Right as their feet touched the pavement, the swiftly expanding couple knew they had made the right move. Within moments, they were ten feet, twenty feet, fifty feet higher than they had ever been, their weight beginning to crack the pavement beneath them...

Already, Piper was beginning to wobble. She was three feet tall on a good day, and had anticipated having empty hills all around her - she didn't expect to get used to such a size in a cramped, delicate city! A car crashed into one of her hooves, and tipped her just enough to make her fall to her hands & knees.

"S-Sorry, oh my goodness, sorry!" her normally high voice boomed over the crowded streets. She didn't want to move too much, lest she smash a car or - gods forbid - another person!

Piper went to look over her shoulder, meaning to address Angus and ask for help...but a familiar scent caught her off guard. A musky, warm scent that she knew all too well...

"R-Really?" she moaned, feeling his heavy, clawed paw move to pull down her adorable striped undies, her massive lips shimmering in the midday sun, "Here? Now???"

She would have protested further, insisted they get home, but...she couldn't help herself. Already, she could feel herself growing wet with arousal, the smell of Angus' need making her shake. She looked back, his now fifty-foot spire throbbing hotly behind her, and swallowed.

The city would just have to make do...the sheep & the wolf would be their new skyline for a few hours~


Gods, I love cumflation - and Piper certainly feels the same way! Nothing beats a good filling, even if the runoff could easily flood a city block~


Thank you all again for your incredible support!



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