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Growing taller than a skyscraper wasn't on Grant's to-do list for the day, yet here he was.

The silvery bun had finally made it to the business district, the portion of the city where he worked, and he was riding high. Not only had he managed to keep up with studies at the U, but he was mere moments away from closing one of the biggest sales deals he had ever orchestrated. His suit had been pressed, his breath freshened, and an extra shot of espresso powered his stride as he stepped off of the tram to the gleaming center of the city.

His good mood was so strong, in fact, that he barely noticed when he began to outgrow the shoes he so painstakingly shined the night before.

His distracted humming was cut short as his tie constricted his throat, his eyes wide with alarm before he felt the blue silk SNAP! Was his tie shrinking? Why were the buttons flying off of his shirt?

Why was his reflection in the mirrored glass growing larger...?

In mere moments, the 6' rabbit grew to double his height, the curated silks of his good suit shredding and falling away in the moment.  On and on he grew, easily eclipsing 50, 60, 60 feet, until he was easily peeking over the roofs of the glistening buildings below him.

His suit was a faint memory, the formerly elegant silks shredded and floating away on the breeze along with any hope Grant had at having a normal day. The only thing that managed to stay intact was, miraculously, his favorite jockstrap - one he had worn to be good luck for his big day, a gift from a former lover granted to "provide support in the worst of times."

He took a moment to breathe and realize the gravity of his situation. the world looked so much...smaller from this height, the monochrome suits of the various dealers & employees around him further reducing their identities to that of ants, swarming at his feet and screaming out in surprise.

Something shifted in his heart at that moment. He had loved his job, his colleagues, and all he had accomplished in this stuffy, shimmering square...but those days were over, given his current circumstances. Sure, the effect itself wasn't his fault - he couldn't imagine how to accomplish this when he WANTED to, let alone on such a crucial day - but the consequences would likely mean he wouldn't be able to come back.

The though made him a little dizzy, and he stretched out an arm to steady himself. The palm pressed into the top of the smaller building beside him, showing just how tall he had become.

The sorrow in Grant's heart slowly morphed, the burning of shame becoming a whole other kind of warmth altogether. He could feel a stirring between his legs, and when he looked down, he watched as his hefty member - now easily 25' long from base to tip - split the sturdy fabric of his jock and throb hotly, the arousal, the POWER of his size making him smile with boundless lust.

He couldn't ever come back here, clearly...but at least he could enjoy his time here before he said goodbye~


A little (lot) more Grant for Macro March! I don't know about you, but he's quickly becoming one of my all-time fave OCs! 


Thank you all again for your incredible support!



omega wolfie

Hehe ouuu what a lucky bunch! I love thile big bun bun ~w~