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I want to share such a beautiful photo. But you can't post this on Instagram. Or you can, I don't understand, I don't want to risk it after a big blockage of my ohwhatawoman account, And well, another ohwhatademina account during my start of living in Georgia. I remember how I was blown away by this feeling of a cliff catching up with you, where I don't want to fall) The cliff that runs after you sounds funny, and this happens in our lives!

I've become very careful to what I publish, but you know there is something interesting in this, you try to fit your work into a defined form, although I hate the idea of form, somewhere you have to accept the conditions, and especially on social media. I don't remember whether I wrote about this example or not. In short, I have solved this riddle for myself, it seems to me that creativity for me is a process where I am paint, and music and photography, writing is for me a canvas on which I can put myself, and then consider. It may seem to someone that this is some kind of endless self-exploration, but no, this is a frantic inner desire to study what a person is, because I can't deceive myself, although I occasionally try. In general, I know what comes out of what and why, and from where my creativity has grown and continues to grow. I really like to study myself through creativity, it sounds dry, but clear)

As an example, when I studied art history, by the way, I started studying it not because I wanted to know it as a chronology, I wanted to understand how people thought in these or other periods of life. And why they created such art, because since school I thought that the old is better than the new and everything that hangs in museums is great as creativity, but my opinion is that it is not only great as creativity, but also as time, which is imprinted in this product. Which for me sounds more like a statement of the time interval, and not the fact that you need to focus on creativity. And this gives rise to the following thought for me personally, that you need to create not what you see and feel, but your own, as you see and feel yourself in the moment now. And all the great past is not a landmark, but you are a landmark, and it was these thoughts that led me last year: that a creative person is a canvas on which you can see a segment of time, well, I have not discovered anything new for you, I think artists and writers have always been about it, just then I was this disease is that the old is greater, and all modern shit.

Return. Many portraits were drawn this way, because they had a generally accepted form of how it should be, and most artists painted real commerce, not great works of art, no one sat and thought, I'm making great art, it was about survival. They had enough money to live and buy paint for the next commerce, plus time, and if you draw something extraordinary, then no one will buy it. Well, accordingly, the buyer liked what his neighbor bought. Nothing has changed, but there is more choice, as well as people) For example, Egyptian art. I looked at all these vases as great art, but it was created in the same way, there was a craftsman who had the task of putting some fragment from the history of the pharaoh into this vase with the help of fine art, which is a direct analogy with Instagram, here's a post for you, in that I should be able to fit my sexuality in such a way that I won't be kicked out of there again, so that audience likes it, so that I like it and that it doesn't look deliberate. Here is the form that I am trying to observe, and here is where the fantasy of satisfying needs is born. How to make beautiful and sexy not vulgar, and so that the great Instagram does not block)

And here are the underground places where you can continue to publish your work)

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