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Been awhile since I posted anything, so here's something I've been working on.

I'm planning on writing a short Halo story involving my fan-made Sangheili race, The Ashen. 

They're sort of like the Sangheili take on American Indians, living a nomadic hunter gatherer life style.

So their tech is rather low tier, primitive compared their scale-skinned cousins, the common Sangheili.

So in order to write them and bring them to life, I have to invent tools and weaponry they would use, and since it's low tech, their stuff has to be made of stuff they find in their environment.

And since this is on an alien planet, I want to make their primitive tech look like something specifically made to suit them and their anatomy.

Since a lot of Sangheili weapons follow an aggressive, forward facing design philosophy, I want the Ashen's weapons to reflect that.

Since bows are too vertical in design, and too "human" I had to come up with a primitive ranged weapon that's mostly horizontal, aggressive and just screams Sangheili made.

Thus the Sangheili Slingbow was born.

A weapon that is both parts a sling shot and a bow.

Share your thoughts and what you think of this design.   




Wow, this looks awesome

Major Wack

Man, you'd be hunting lots of squirrels with that thing, yep.