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Hello, it's been awhile since I last made an update.

I'll keep things simple.

Lately I've been going through a rough patch. I overworked myself to the point I hadn't played video games, talked to my friends or even touched grass in months.

So I've been taking time off my writing and art stuff to get my head straight and work out a more healthier way to create my content without isolating myself.

Then my Grandfather pasted away and since he lived alone and his Will marked my Dad as next of kin, it fell on me and my Sister and my parents to handle everything.

And then on top of that, I cough a cold again and just like last time it's a nasty one.

In short, it's been tough. But I'm still going to write, make art and do audio dramas.

Just a lot slower till I can work out a better way to do things that's not a hazard to my mental and physical health.

Thank you for reading, and if you have any thoughts you wish to share, please feel free to leave them down in the comments. 



Take all the time you need. While I adore your work and all effort and care you put into it. Family and mental health is important. So when you feel that you are focusing to much on writing and doing voice work for the audio dramas, know that you can take a break from it guilt free, because we will still support you.


P.S started planning the Fallout 4 Natures Gears one room mod, Ill send you something when I something to show.