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Let's get one thing straight about me.

I'm terrible when it comes to managing and organising things, it's a wonder I get anything done. Like my latest project, the first audio chapter of one of my stories. It took me nearly 6 to 7 months to finally complete it.

Granted, I had to do everything from scratch. Gather resources, learn how to use audio software, teach myself voice acting, overhaul the chapter I was converting and so on.

Most people have no idea the kind of effort and work that goes into making things like this, which is a bit of a pet peeve of mine. 

Not getting recognised for that hard work I mean.

But I'm not so petty to let it bother me much. 

Also, the audio version of chapter 1 of Nature's Gears was originally going to be completely voiced by computer AI?

Yep, AI voice actors from a Studio called Replica. I thought it was a good idea at the time, since I didn't think I could voice it all myself, but as time went on I became unsatisfied with the one toned AI voices, and looked for ways to use my own voice, but with the ability to alter it in real-time.

That's where Voicemod came in and made what seemed impossible, possible! I'll leave a link to there website. Their tech is pretty good and a big plus is, it's affordable.

Anyway, enough rambling. On to the To-Do-List.

Right now, I'm spending some much needed time relaxing and planning out how I'm going to convert my next chapter into audio.

I first need to practise acting out different characters, since the next chapter has way more than the first. This one will have 14+ characters to voice and act, all different ages, gender and accent.

Most will pretty easy to manage, but the one character I know is going to be the hardest will be Alice. She's a teenaged girl who I imagine having quite the girly voice. I'm pretty bad at girly, since I'm a man with a deep voice.

You might be thinking, "Well, you have a voice changer, so what's the problem?"

Problem is, while Voicemod is great and very customisable, it's not magic and as of the moment of writing this, the app has no way to control vocal weight.

What is vocal weight? It's the part of your voice that makes you sound either like a man or a woman. People seem to think that all you have to is change the pitch and your golden. No, it doesn't work like that.

Pitch is only one aspect of a voice. Take the Minions for example, they have high pitched voices, but they still clearly sound like guys. That's because of their vocal weight, it's heavy. So even though their voices have the pitch of a chipmunk, their vocal weight still makes them sound like males with really high voices.

Shit, I went off on a tangent again.

Right, actual To-Do-List.

  • Finish off the stuff I'm still working on, stuff like art and unfinished chapters of written stories.
  • Nag Voicemod to add a vocal weight tuner.
  • Get a proper sleep cycle.
  • Don't eat at night.
  • Walk the dog more.
  • And stop worrying so much about time

Right, I think that's everything for now. Hopefully it won't take me months now to get more audio chapters made, now that I have the resources and know and how to make 'em faster.

Link to Voicemod website:  https://www.voicemod.net/



If I can recommend anything is try to keep a realistic schedule. Do not try to do more than you are mentally comfortable (unless mentally comfortable is do nothing for 2 months, in that case force yourself). If you get any creative block take a 1 to 7 day break, not thinking about the project what so ever. These tips have helped me personally write 3000 word essays weekly for 4 months I was still dead at the end, but it worked.