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Heya folks! Some cool shtuff goin up! :)

'Ve been working with a graphic designer friend of mine to revamp my brand a bit, we came up with new ideas for patterns that will be used to distinguish each of my profiles a tad more, along with a different color for the dirty profiles' background.  But!

Also taking the time to announce I'll be working on SFW profiles that will be focused on worldbuilding, including things like the Etarobe comic, stories, and other. Along with any other piece of personal safe media I have. SFW commissions will also be posted there but way more in the background compared to the other profiles, as it'll be meant to work as a "hub" to find all the info on my chars and content that tell their stories!

Also. Yes. That is bird poop on the new dirty signature thing. It'll be a recurring theme for it, I think it's only fittin'!



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