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Heyo, guys! I'll be finally moving to a place of my own this year (probably July/August). I'd like to try and raise some extra funds to make the process easier on me. SO! I'm selling some of my unused char designs for pretty cheap! If you'd like to support me and/or would like a cheap adopt, now's the chance!

The values depend on how old/new the design is, its complexity, the art quality, and a bit of my personal biases. Some were done during different times, so the style might be a tad different. It's meant to be a quick way to raise funds, so what you see is what you'll get for the specified value; no back angles or alike for these ones.

The first to claim a character is the first to get it! Check the comments here to see which ones are taken!

I'm sending this here first on Patreon in case any of you would like to get them, after a day or two I'll post this publicly! Also, as a bit of a heads up: once I actually move, I'll need a month off of Patreon then (I'll pause the billing of course).



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