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Hello, everyone!
Just posting this as a quick reminder that October is right around the corner!

And with that, the slots for the new tiers will also open! Remember that the two ones that grant monthly art are highly limited, and will open on October 1st, at 6pm GMT/UTC and the next announcement post I make will be right at that time, to let you know they are open!

To those that are still on the old empty tiers, remember to make the switch. Otherwise, you will be billed and won't even be able to access the new content. If any issues occur, do not hesitate to contact me.


Now as a quick recap of what happened during September. I was hoping to get most things done before coming back to Patreon, but as life has decided to curse me every time I try to take a break, things just did not go as planned. I rather not get into details through this post, but I went through some of the hardest times and emotions I've ever had to go through, and of course that also made me not as productive as I wish I could've been.

That being said, everything is still being worked on, and even though there have been some really long wait times this year all around, I'm doing my best to make everything right. Important to note that I don't know when I'll be opening for regular commissions, I don't even know if I'll be able to do so this year. So have that in mind if you're considering the Pheasant tier for the commissions related rewards.


Other than that, I have many plans for exciting projects and streams once we get back to normal. Of course I'll be fully back on the Discord server as well, which I've been mostly absent during my break as a way to recharge my social batteries.

More exciting news include the fact that I got my uni project game up on Steam! It is still hidden and not up for purchase or anything, but I will be able to share access to a beta version to those interested! It is a SFW game, but I'm still excited to show the progress I've had with it so far.


That is about it! Thank you for everything!


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