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Hey everyone! I got a couple of things to go through, seeing that the month's nearly over.

Tiers Deletion
As explained on the PREVIOUS ANNOUNCEMENT, I will be removing the existing tiers except for the $5 one in a matter of hours. You may join that $5 tier at any point before Oct to keep access to the content on the Patreon while I'm on my break, Patreon will not charge you for it (it's been tested). The new tiers will be available once Oct starts so you can join a higher one if you wish to do so then.

Do not worry, I did not forget about them. I will be working on those during September (I know, not really a break lmao) along with everything else that is due. I appreciate your patience.

At some point during September, I will try and tweak the Discord server a little bit in order to make it nice and simple. I'll not be changing it too much in order to avoid confusing anyone. Chatting channels will stay available if you'd like to use them. I'll still be around, just focusing on getting stuff done before October. So if you ever need me or just wanna chat, don't hesitate on hmu!

Public Server
Some of you know that I have a public Discord server. However, it has been fairly dead for a while as even I barely use it. That brings me to the decision of nuking it sometime in Sep too. Just letting you know in case you are there and notice it's gone outta the blue.

New Monthly Art Tiers
As said on the previous post, they'll be made available on October 1st, at 6pm (UTC). I will post reminders during September; and then announce it at the exact time I open them.

Once again, thank you all for everything so far. Regardless what you decide to do, I appreciate every single one of you. Any questions/whatever, just let me know.



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