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Hey guys! This episode about Tuco was so GOOD LMAO SAME OL TUCO. I'm definitely going to say he's going to be a reoccurring character AHHH!!!! Hope you guys enjoy!



Tim Martin

Here we goooooooooooo!!!! We get to meet Ignacio Varga aka “Nacho”. One of the best characters imo. Fun Fact: Tuco’s revolver is called “The Judge”. It’s a real thing. lol

Lorenzo Baxter

Okay so for some context, no that was not a heating blanket. Space blankets are Mylar Blankets. Yes, technically they are thermal sheets and are used for heat, but that was clearly not why Chuck used it. If you saw, after he chucked the phone, he winced and grabbed his arm like he was in pain. So.... I'll leave you to guess and deduce all that. I know its easy to call him Saul, but Jimmy is such a different person, much like Anakin and Vader. Eventually I think it'll be more natural to call him that. But this definitely isn't Saul. Not just yet.

Doc Holliday

Nice always sunny reference! I believe the rest of the song goes, “to get into that boy’s…..”soul”? lol.


Nacho and Kim are probably my favorite characters in the entire Breaking Bad universe

Joe Blankenship

Chuck has a condition where he can't be around electrical stuff. You'll learn more about it as the show progresses. It's very interesting.


Another fun reaction Vee. Thanks! - The twins did not know that Tuco's Abuelita was not actually the target. They only knew a certain car was their target - and they got the wrong one. Betsy (I mean Bats**t (LOL)) probably turned that corner 30 seconds after the twins went after grandma... - Calling him Jimmy is probably best at this point but I get why calling him Saul comes so naturally. Do what you want is what I always say.

Christophe Schannes (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-14 17:22:01 That henchman of Tuco's, that tried "helping" Tuco and got told off for it by Tuco, he's also there in Breaking Bad when Walt and Jesse first meet up with Tuco in the junkyard. He's called No-Doze, he's the guy that Tuco beats to death because he's too mouthy and tries speaking on Tuco's behalf, so that was a bit of of a reference that he apparently has always had trouble knowing when to shut up lol. The fourth guy that was in the desert, the big guy, was also there in Breaking Bad, he's the one that got crushed by the pile of cars when he tried to move No-Doze's body and that Hank later finds.
2024-02-10 15:31:59 That henchman of Tuco's, that tried "helping" Tuco and got told off for it by Tuco, he's also there in Breaking Bad when Walt and Jesse first meet up with Tuco in the junkyard. He's called No-Doze, he's the guy that Tuco beats to death because he's too mouthy and tries speaking on Tuco's behalf, so that was a bit of of a reference that he apparently has always had trouble knowing when to shut up lol. The fourth guy that was in the desert, the big guy, was also there in Breaking Bad, he's the one that got crushed by the pile of cars when he tried to move No-Doze's body and that Hank later finds.

That henchman of Tuco's, that tried "helping" Tuco and got told off for it by Tuco, he's also there in Breaking Bad when Walt and Jesse first meet up with Tuco in the junkyard. He's called No-Doze, he's the guy that Tuco beats to death because he's too mouthy and tries speaking on Tuco's behalf, so that was a bit of of a reference that he apparently has always had trouble knowing when to shut up lol. The fourth guy that was in the desert, the big guy, was also there in Breaking Bad, he's the one that got crushed by the pile of cars when he tried to move No-Doze's body and that Hank later finds.

thomas bosson

I think you should keep calling him Jimmy until he becomes Saul

TJ Bigelow (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-14 17:22:01 Based off of Chuck's behavior, having never seen this show before, and having studied abnormal psychology, Chuck seems to have had a mental breakdown and it appears to be connected to electromagnetism. Chuck seems to have the belief that being in close proximity of electricity, and devices that connect via radio waves, causes pain in his body. Despite this difficulty he has, the law firm and Chuck feel that Chuck will get over this breakdown. Jimmy, I feel, does not but cannot prove that Chuck will not recover, but he does also hope he is wrong and supports his friend. The guy that came to see Jimmy at the end, Nacho, is the villain Vaas from Far Cry 3, lol, that's all I see. "Have I ever told you the definition of Insanity?" That line haunts me from that game, lol.
2024-02-10 16:50:42 Based off of Chuck's behavior, having never seen this show before, and having studied abnormal psychology, Chuck seems to have had a mental breakdown and it appears to be connected to electromagnetism. Chuck seems to have the belief that being in close proximity of electricity, and devices that connect via radio waves, causes pain in his body. Despite this difficulty he has, the law firm and Chuck feel that Chuck will get over this breakdown. Jimmy, I feel, does not but cannot prove that Chuck will not recover, but he does also hope he is wrong and supports his friend. The guy that came to see Jimmy at the end, Nacho, is the villain Vaas from Far Cry 3, lol, that's all I see. "Have I ever told you the definition of Insanity?" That line haunts me from that game, lol.

Based off of Chuck's behavior, having never seen this show before, and having studied abnormal psychology, Chuck seems to have had a mental breakdown and it appears to be connected to electromagnetism. Chuck seems to have the belief that being in close proximity of electricity, and devices that connect via radio waves, causes pain in his body. Despite this difficulty he has, the law firm and Chuck feel that Chuck will get over this breakdown. Jimmy, I feel, does not but cannot prove that Chuck will not recover, but he does also hope he is wrong and supports his friend. The guy that came to see Jimmy at the end, Nacho, is the villain Vaas from Far Cry 3, lol, that's all I see. "Have I ever told you the definition of Insanity?" That line haunts me from that game, lol.


I think you missed a few things about chuck last episode, the whole "grounding" thing, people having to leave there electronics in the mailbox, him being out of work claiming he'll "beat this" and "get better"

Chris Shine

It's actually Vince Gilligan's birthday today lol 🐐


Chuck is just mental


"I am a lawyer, not a criminal." I think you'll start calling him Jimmy soon enough especially since Saul hasn't happened yet. I think this episode really shows just how good of a negotiator he really is. Chuck's situation will be revealed more but there are clues here to what it really is. For anybody that played Far Cry 3, it is a pleasant surprise to see Michael Mando appear here as "Nacho". These side characters add so much to this show.


The only reference I know for "It's Showtime!" is from Michael Keaton as Beetlejuice. Maybe Jimmy's reference is from elsewhere but I don't know what else it might be.

Dale Diaz

mijo is a conjunction of "mi hijo" which means "my son"

Dale Diaz

abuelita salamanca is so cute! what a sweetheart. It's kind of endearing, tuco knowing how brutal the game is, he worked harder to keep her out of it than walt did with skylar tbh lol


This episode was so good!! I really liked the guy the saved saul from Tuco; i think he is gonna be a great character! Also, when are we starting the boys S2??

Willow McPhie

I love Nacho. Honestly, he's my favorite character. He's not my typical type when it comes to men. But GOSH is he fine. XD

Jay F

Seriously yes. Nacho kinda starts out as a run of the mill gangster, though with more intelligence. But the way his character develops later in the show is some of the best character writing I've seen, rivaling only Mike's.

Jane Mayers

All i can think of when seeing Nacho is "Did I ever tell you the definition of insanity?"


why is it blur? :c