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Christophe Schannes (edited)

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2024-01-29 01:38:56 I also thought at first that Butcher was supposed to be Australian so I was confused when they kept calling him English or British. So I looked it up and apparently, Karl Urban, the actor that plays Butcher, is from New Zealand. So I guess when a New Zealander tries to do an English accent, it sounds Australian? xD But I think it's also due to his character, how he's so flamboyant and curses so much, he just seems like an Australian in character. At times, it sort of works, like at the end of episode 6, when he's being (fake) polite to Starlight and doesn't use that many swear words, he kind of pulls off a Northern English accent but yeah, it's very wonky most of the time. I guess overall, his accent is a lot closer to a sort of working-class, Northern English accent, and most non-British people don't really think of that accent as English, we mostly just think of the traditional, RP Queen's English. But still, the fact that you're like the third person I know of that thought he was Australian before thinking of British does say something. More surprising, Antony Starr, the actor that portrays Homelander, is also from New Zealand, and I never once doubted his American accent, it's very good. If you know about it, and really pay attention, you can occasionally hear his native accent slipping in, but it's very rare, he really pulls it off.
2024-01-29 01:38:56 I also thought at first that Butcher was supposed to be Australian so I was confused when they kept calling him English or British. So I looked it up and apparently, Karl Urban, the actor that plays Butcher, is from New Zealand. So I guess when a New Zealander tries to do an English accent, it sounds Australian? xD But I think it's also due to his character, how he's so flamboyant and curses so much, he just seems like an Australian in character. At times, it sort of works, like at the end of episode 6, when he's being (fake) polite to Starlight and doesn't use that many swear words, he kind of pulls off a Northern English accent but yeah, it's very wonky most of the time. I guess overall, his accent is a lot closer to a sort of working-class, Northern English accent, and most non-British people don't really think of that accent as English, we mostly just think of the traditional, RP Queen's English. But still, the fact that you're like the third person I know of that thought he was Australian before thinking of British does say something. More surprisingly, Antony Starr, the actor that portrays Homelander, is also from New Zealand, and I never once doubted his American accent, it's very good. If you know about it, and really pay attention, you can occasionally hear his native accent slipping in, but it's very rare, he really pulls it off.
2024-01-29 01:38:56 I also thought at first that Butcher was supposed to be Australian so I was confused when they kept calling him English or British. So I looked it up and apparently, Karl Urban, the actor that plays Butcher, is from New Zealand. So I guess when a New Zealander tries to do an English accent, it sounds Australian? xD But I think it's also due to his character, how he's so flamboyant and curses so much, he just seems like an Australian in character. At times, it sort of works, like at the end of episode 6, when he's being (fake) polite to Starlight and doesn't use that many swear words, he kind of pulls off a Northern English accent but yeah, it's very wonky most of the time. I guess overall, his accent is a lot closer to a sort of working-class, Northern English accent, and most non-British people don't really think of that accent as English, we mostly just think of the traditional, RP Queen's English. But still, the fact that you're like the third person I know of that thought he was Australian before thinking of British does say something. More surprisingly, Antony Starr, the actor that portrays Homelander, is also from New Zealand, and I never once doubted his American accent, it's very good. If you know about it, and really pay attention, you can occasionally hear his native accent slipping in, but it's very rare, he really pulls it off.
2024-01-29 01:38:56 I also thought at first that Butcher was supposed to be Australian so I was confused when they kept calling him English or British. So I looked it up and apparently, Karl Urban, the actor that plays Butcher, is from New Zealand. So I guess when a New Zealander tries to do an English accent, it sounds Australian? xD But I think it's also due to his character, how he's so flamboyant and curses so much, he just seems like an Australian in character. At times, it sort of works, like at the end of episode 6, when he's being (fake) polite to Starlight and doesn't use that many swear words, he kind of pulls off a Northern English accent but yeah, it's very wonky most of the time. I guess overall, his accent is a lot closer to a sort of working-class, Northern English accent, and most non-British people don't really think of that accent as English, we mostly just think of the traditional, RP Queen's English. But still, the fact that you're like the third person I know of that thought he was Australian before thinking of British does say something. More surprisingly, Antony Starr, the actor that portrays Homelander, is also from New Zealand, and I never once doubted his American accent, it's very good. If you know about it, and really pay attention, you can occasionally hear his native accent slipping in, but it's very rare, he really pulls it off.
2024-01-29 01:38:56 I also thought at first that Butcher was supposed to be Australian so I was confused when they kept calling him English or British. So I looked it up and apparently, Karl Urban, the actor that plays Butcher, is from New Zealand. So I guess when a New Zealander tries to do an English accent, it sounds Australian? xD But I think it's also due to his character, how he's so flamboyant and curses so much, he just seems like an Australian in character. At times, it sort of works, like at the end of episode 6, when he's being (fake) polite to Starlight and doesn't use that many swear words, he kind of pulls off a Northern English accent but yeah, it's very wonky most of the time. I guess overall, his accent is a lot closer to a sort of working-class, Northern English accent, and most non-British people don't really think of that accent as English, we mostly just think of the traditional, RP Queen's English. But still, the fact that you're like the third person I know of that thought he was Australian before thinking of British does say something. More surprisingly, Antony Starr, the actor that portrays Homelander, is also from New Zealand, and I never once doubted his American accent, it's very good. If you know about it, and really pay attention, you can occasionally hear his native accent slipping in, but it's very rare, he really pulls it off.
2024-01-29 01:38:56 I also thought at first that Butcher was supposed to be Australian so I was confused when they kept calling him English or British. So I looked it up and apparently, Karl Urban, the actor that plays Butcher, is from New Zealand. So I guess when a New Zealander tries to do an English accent, it sounds Australian? xD But I think it's also due to his character, how he's so flamboyant and curses so much, he just seems like an Australian in character. At times, it sort of works, like at the end of episode 6, when he's being (fake) polite to Starlight and doesn't use that many swear words, he kind of pulls off a Northern English accent but yeah, it's very wonky most of the time. I guess overall, his accent is a lot closer to a sort of working-class, Northern English accent, and most non-British people don't really think of that accent as English, we mostly just think of the traditional, RP Queen's English. But still, the fact that you're like the third person I know of that thought he was Australian before thinking of British does say something. More surprisingly, Antony Starr, the actor that portrays Homelander, is also from New Zealand, and I never once doubted his American accent, it's very good. If you know about it, and really pay attention, you can occasionally hear his native accent slipping in, but it's very rare, he really pulls it off.
2024-01-29 01:38:56 I also thought at first that Butcher was supposed to be Australian so I was confused when they kept calling him English or British. So I looked it up and apparently, Karl Urban, the actor that plays Butcher, is from New Zealand. So I guess when a New Zealander tries to do an English accent, it sounds Australian? xD But I think it's also due to his character, how he's so flamboyant and curses so much, he just seems like an Australian in character. At times, it sort of works, like at the end of episode 6, when he's being (fake) polite to Starlight and doesn't use that many swear words, he kind of pulls off a Northern English accent but yeah, it's very wonky most of the time. I guess overall, his accent is a lot closer to a sort of working-class, Northern English accent, and most non-British people don't really think of that accent as English, we mostly just think of the traditional, RP Queen's English. But still, the fact that you're like the third person I know of that thought he was Australian before thinking of British does say something. More surprisingly, Antony Starr, the actor that portrays Homelander, is also from New Zealand, and I never once doubted his American accent, it's very good. If you know about it, and really pay attention, you can occasionally hear his native accent slipping in, but it's very rare, he really pulls it off.
2024-01-28 17:59:28 I also thought at first that Butcher was supposed to be Australian so I was confused when they kept calling him English or British. So I looked it up and apparently, Karl Urban, the actor that plays Butcher, is from New Zealand. So I guess when a New Zealander tries to do an English accent, it sounds Australian? xD But I think it's also due to his character, how he's so flamboyant and curses so much, he just seems like an Australian in character. At times, it sort of works, like at the end of episode 6, when he's being (fake) polite to Starlight and doesn't use that many swear words, he kind of pulls off a Northern English accent but yeah, it's very wonky most of the time. I guess overall, his accent is a lot closer to a sort of working-class, Northern English accent, and most non-British people don't really think of that accent as English, we mostly just think of the traditional, RP Queen's English. But still, the fact that you're like the third person I know of that thought he was Australian before thinking of British does say something. More surprisingly, Antony Starr, the actor that portrays Homelander, is also from New Zealand, and I never once doubted his American accent, it's very good. If you know about it, and really pay attention, you can occasionally hear his native accent slipping in, but it's very rare, he really pulls it off.

I also thought at first that Butcher was supposed to be Australian so I was confused when they kept calling him English or British. So I looked it up and apparently, Karl Urban, the actor that plays Butcher, is from New Zealand. So I guess when a New Zealander tries to do an English accent, it sounds Australian? xD But I think it's also due to his character, how he's so flamboyant and curses so much, he just seems like an Australian in character. At times, it sort of works, like at the end of episode 6, when he's being (fake) polite to Starlight and doesn't use that many swear words, he kind of pulls off a Northern English accent but yeah, it's very wonky most of the time. I guess overall, his accent is a lot closer to a sort of working-class, Northern English accent, and most non-British people don't really think of that accent as English, we mostly just think of the traditional, RP Queen's English. But still, the fact that you're like the third person I know of that thought he was Australian before thinking of British does say something. More surprisingly, Antony Starr, the actor that portrays Homelander, is also from New Zealand, and I never once doubted his American accent, it's very good. If you know about it, and really pay attention, you can occasionally hear his native accent slipping in, but it's very rare, he really pulls it off.


ARE YOU SERIOUS this is so cool and explains *SO* much LOL thank you for this Christophe!! I was like "?!?!" but now that I know the background knowledge it's so interesting. I'm so glad I wasn't the only one who thought that LOL