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This episode... tears... my camera being out of focus so you don't get to see me cry in HD
Don't really know how to take this episode..



David Caine

Oh, yes, the sweet tears of heartbreak, V is one of us now, she has joined us and paid her dues as an Attack on Titan fan, even though we all grieved Erwin, this is the death that hits the worst. Yep, out of all the characters, Sasha dying was the least expected to me, even though Isayama meant to kill Sasha back in her season 2 episode and the editor stopped him, even though there are actual foreshadowing moments in both this episode and the last. The moment when our favorite trio, Jean, Connie and Sasha are hugging and saying how much they mean to each other. The moment last episode when Sasha kills Gabi's gate-guard friends, and they stare each other down in shock, disbelief, grief. The fact that Sasha is one with near superhearing powers, all throughout the show, and here she is the one that hears the thump as Falco and Gabi reach the airship and board it, that was the moment I knew Sasha was gonna be singled out for something heartbreaking. They did not throw the kids out the airship 'cause Jean stood up for them, wisely realizing that killing will not stop following the path of vengeance and grief, they were forced to this after by Eren. Not that the devils of Paradis in the airship don't wanna kill the two children after getting Sasha killed. Jean, being one the main crowd who knows what's up, knowing why Annie and Bert and Reiner did what they did and knowing how they were child soldiers brainwashed by their society and culture, Jean realizes it is the same for Falco and Gabi. Not to say there is no animosity for what Gabi did, and WE know Falco knows better. Notice how ironic that Jean meant to kill Falco last episode, and missed because of Pieck, and Falco is the one that pushed Gabi away just in time for her to miss also shooting Jean to death by a mere millimeter.


Where's the boys?