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Here it is guys! The second to last episode of breaking bad.... I can't wait to see how this is all going to end after this episode but I think I have an idea of how it's going to go down... im scared



Tim Martin

Girl, I feel you. BB and BCS has literally ruined TV for me. I can’t…I won’t watch anything else. I’ve seen both series completely thru at least 50 times if not more. Yes, pity me LOL


I cannot believe how perfect the closing song is as the prelude to the finale... when that Epic theme begins to play as Gretchen addresses Walt- "the sweet, kind, brilliant man that we once knew long ago, he's gone". The metamorphosis is one episode away from completion! It still gives me goosebumps even after watching it dozens & dozens of times. This is it. It's all coming to an end. I just. This scene makes me feel so much. It gives you this feeling of excitement over how perfectly brilliant it is. But it also makes you emotional just knowing that it's all about to be over for good. I will never forget this scene. This whole show for that matter. It really is something special- a once in a lifetime experience and on the first watch you miss a lot of the hidden layers, details, references throughout the entire show.


The only other shows I consider favorites along with Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul in terms of quality, storytelling, cinematography, acting, directing, every little detail is just perfection you must watch.. MR ROBOT SUCCESSION THE BEAR STARION ELEVEN all are very different and unique in their own ways but all TRUE MASTERPIECES, imo hope you watch some of these on the channel, still really looking forward to BCS first

Timothy Poeschl

Having lived in Omaha a few years ago, I gotta say it ain’t bad. It’s a beautiful city with good people. I know most people don’t think of it like that, but it’s a cool place.

Zack Rapp

I can so relate to everything you're feeling about not wanting it to end lol. Just look on the bright side, you still have an epilogue and an entire other series waiting for you in this universe


This show has ruined all other shows and most movies for me

Tim Martin

One last thing. Did Jesse think the n@zis put up the pic of Andrea and Brock just so he would feel more at home in his captive lab??? Could he not figure out what would happen if he didn’t cooperate??

Mario Serra

It is amazing how a few comments so easily bruise his ego that he is willing to risk going back home to settle a score with his old friends instead of just turning himself in.


I think you're underestimating how long Walt was in the cabin. The guy who brings him supplies apologized for the mistake he made last time he tried to insert the needle the last time he was there. And, speaking as a man who shaves his head regularly, it would take me more than 6 months to grow that much hair back.

Cole Troutman

Actually is 6 months that pass by in this episode

Lorenzo Baxter

Jesse was originally meant to be killed off at the end of season 1. After being the introduction for Walt into the drug world, they didn't have much more use for him. But he would turn into one of my favorite characters in the entire show. And he's repeatedly punished in the most cruel ways, more than he deserves. I'd maybe like to hear some quick final predictions when you post the next episode, of things you think will happen, or maybe what you want to happen, I think that'll add to how things conclude if you feel like doing that in the intro or something 🙌 The finale still sticks the landing somehow, and I am gonna be itching until the next episode drops! 😅

Cole Troutman

Honestly... even my other favorite tv shows - GoT, Westworld, Lost - all didn't couldn't keep the quality top notch like BB. So I see what he's saying.. (True Detective S1 is pretty perfect but only 8 hours)


you should consider watching Ozark either after you finish better call saul, or before, imo its another great tv show


These episodes feel like they have been going faster as we get closer to the inevitable end. This episode does a great job of bridging the gap in-between the last episode and the teases of the future we have got so far. You will not be disappointed with the finale. These writers have never let us down.

Jonah Bertorelli

I wanted to comment something replying to something you said in season 1. But I just hate spoilers, and when people set up expectation for character arcs. But I feel as we're one episode away from the end I can finally say it(and in more detail sense everything has happened already). but Jesse has the saddest, most painful story out of this show, he just gets manipulated and beat by everyone and mostly because of Walt. ya he had drug issues, and wasn't the smartest, but he never had hate in his heart, and never did anyone really dirty until he was dragged down to that level by someone else, he loved his family and his brother, and his family loved him and it wouldn't have taken much to fix all that. and literally any good thing he got, Walt, or meth destroyed or killed. What I wanted to comment in the beginning I believe was something to the tune of "get used to it, Jesse gets nothing but manipulated by Walt the whole time" replying to something you said along the lines of "Man Walt is just manipulating Jesse hard core right now" I'm paraphrasing of course. lol I can't remember exactly. that was SOOO long ago. And we've come SO far. I can't wait to watch the finale with you!!

Gabriel Berilli

There are still some perfect shows out there but nothing with the consistency and duration of BrBa and BCS. 11 seasons of pure geniality by Vince and all the actors

Jonah Bertorelli

Ego's are fragile and Walt and Heisenberg are only a couple words or a snarky look away from each other.

Jonah Bertorelli

Yeah at minimum it was 2 months, but I think they tried to hint at it being even longer.

Gabriel Berilli

"He got you vanilla not even chocolate" that is something to be sad about.

Aubree Cummins

youre in for a treat next episode also you may be almost done with breaking bad but theres still el camino and all of better call saul after this😁 also loving these reactions keep up the amazing stuff V


TO think that TUCO was suppose to be the main bad guy of the whole show, and also, to think Jesse was suppose to be a character killed off in season 1. This show has made ALL the right choices. Dont worry, there is still Amazing TV out there after the breaking bad universe is done, we still got "The Expanse" waiting for you that we know you are excited to watch, which is a whole other ball game of rollar coster twists and turns, in the sci fi side of things.

Daniel Cowan

I swear you don't have to be too sad to see Breaking Bad finish, when there's still El Camino and Better Call Saul to watch through... People disagree on this, but for myself, I think that Better Call Saul is at least as good as Breaking Bad, & in some ways I think it surpasses the original show... For a lot of the main characters, Breaking Bad is only half of their story... Better Call Saul is one one hand has it's own unique narrative style, but nonetheless provides a ton of depth to the story we see in Breaking Bad...


Yeah I have a friend just barely over the river in Iowa. He loves it there; but they got a crapload of snow last week lol.


I think it sort of fluctuates; at some points BCS is better and sometimes BrBa is better - but it's all amazing television!


I'm sure, at a certain point, the torture gets to a point where you have to just try. I'm sure he was betting on not getting caught...


Ozark is well produced, but I felt like it was trying too hard to be Breaking Bad. Jason Bateman, as an actor, is a mild-mannered and affable person who plays characters that are easy to like, but I feel like the writers leaned too heavily on his casting and didn't give him a believable background or set of character traits to make the show more compelling. And the plot beats feel like they were written for shock value, rather than developed organically. I would recommend Justified instead. Timothy Olyphant's character is very different from those we see in the BBad universe, his co-starring characters are diverse, interesting, and well-fleshed out, and the dialog is top notch. And it's massively underrated, very few reactors have even stumbled upon it.


Yeah, Jesse's had it so bad over the show that it hurts to watch reactors on YouTube see him in Season 2, rolling around in blue porta potty sewage, and them saying, "Man, he's really hit rock bottom" and you have to think, "Oof, wait till Ozymandias and Granite State..." I've actually seen YouTube comments of people just laughing... just laughing, no commentary... while Jesse is getting the raw end of the deal early on. Some people think the commenter is heartlessly laughing at Jesse's plight. No, they're (sadly) laughing at the reactor thinking this is Jesse's lowest point in his life...

Mathieu Paquin

Have you seen Mr. Robot? This show is an absolute masterpiece, it holds the same place in my heart as BB and BCS


I'm just waiting for an excuse to re-watch Mr robot, a watch along would be perfect but for some reason it's not on amazon prime anymore 😭


Unfortunately I have seen that show outside of the ending which I heard wasn't as good but regardless, I have a bad memory and even then I remember the show LMAO would have to be another years if this still exist 😂

Nathan Bittner

A lot of people dislike the early seasons because it’s not as in your face as Breaking Bad was, but personally, I loved the early seasons of Better Call Saul. I feel that they were better than the first few seasons of Breaking Bad and was its own little fun show. I really liked it. I think once it started to get darker, while it was still good, and in some ways got better, it kind of lost some of that charm it had in the early seasons. I think a lot of peoples distaste for the first few seasons come from them comparing it with Breaking Bad, in a sense expecting it to be a Breaking Bad 2.0 and not it’s own show in a shared universe. I personally love Better Call Saul and the first and third season for me are some of my favorite seasons of television. (Season 5 is still 10/10) But season 3 might just be my favorite! What are your thoughts without giving up spoilers for V? 😂👍


all these people recommending other shows while better call saul and el camino still has to be seen...

David Caine

Breaking Bad is not over with this show. El Camino is next. Then Better Call Saul. This show makes Breaking Bad even better, it enriches the experience retroactively, you won't know how until you see it. It gives it all more weight. Ignore the talk of the show being better or worse, that kind of talk of a disservice to what became the best show on television until it ended last year. It is amazing television craft. It perfects the writing, the cinematography, just the whole craft of making such a show. But it is not the same kind of show, even with all the aspects of the parent show, it is its own thing. And the best characters, several that you will love and hate even more, save for the Breaking Bad protagonists, have yet to be known by V. Breaking Bad was half the story, and it truly was a bummer when Better Call Saul was finally done, no other show is gonna replace what it uniquely brought to television.

David Caine

Better Call Saul gets Better every season, exponentially, until a powder keg of moments explode.

James M

Great react, can’t believe we are finally here! So glad you love this show so much 💚


it sounds like you have more of a dislike for jason bateman than that actual show, i personally love bateman and thought he and the rest of the cast killed it, and i never felt like it was a breaking bad clone. so i fundamentally disagree


and hearing something isn't good doesn't mean it wasn't good, people like and dislike things for different reasons,

Rhylin (Garret) Smith

This was amazing! Can’t wait for the final episode and El Camino It would be cool if in the intro of the last episode you put a collage of your reactions to your favorite moments or best reactions etc leading up to this point! Almost a recap that’d be so freaking cool. And like… a trailer reaction to el Camino at the end for hype 😂 Ik I’m just talking too much this is just my favorite reaction YouTuber and I love seeing her stuff I get strangely excited 😂


I simply can not wait for last episode!

Dale Diaz

you know what double sucks - jessie did everything right and in his power to protect andrea. The only reason Todd's crew knew about andrea was because walt went there to manipulate her into making that phonecall

Neellohit Basu

The reason people get annoyed at Skylar is exactly that moral outrage. Yes, she is a victim, but also she is a criminal and a willing participant. She told Walt to off Jesse to protect her family. Walt willingly offed people to protect himself, his family and Jesse. What's the difference?

neez duts

hey doctors use youtube videos for surgery xD

Johnathon Healey

Bruh do you still not realise the phone call was to save Skyler 😂