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This episode made react in a way i never thought was possible. I was just in shock not processing what just happened as it happened so abruptly... this has to be the most important episode in the entire series personally speaking. Please let me know your thoughts in the comments and sorry if i reacted in a way you guys didnt expect me to because believe me when i say i didn't know what to do




I met a traveller from an antique land, Who said—“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone Stand in the desert. . . . Near them, on the sand, Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown, And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command, Tell that its sculptor well those passions read Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things, The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed; And on the pedestal, these words appear: My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare The lone and level sands stretch far away.”


never clicked so fast! the episode we've all been waiting for


One of the greatest episodes in TV history


The only real episode on imdb with a 10/10 rating. Interesting fact about the chess game being played at the fire station- the board was intentionally set up so that it would be impossible for the WHITE side to win.


Here we go!! Best episode in TV history. Don't worry about having a weird reaction, this show is messed up so any way you act is completely valid.

James Jones

Not sure if you realize it later, but Walt’s call to Skylar wasn’t how he genuinely felt; he was saying that to make it look like she was an innocent victim and cover up her involvement because he knew the police were listening. He was protecting her. Not that that makes him a good person by any means, he’s still a despicable human being, but that specific action was actually him helping.

Josh Noe

They wouldn't have lived if they showed badges. Jack was trying to get them to avert their attention to show them badges and get a few seconds of free shots in.

Zack Rapp

This is the one we've all been waiting for you to see! Every time I rewatch it I can't believe how absolutely perfect it is. Vince has been pulling and pulling and pulling this rubber band for 5 seasons, teasing us with how much tension he can get away with continuing to add. The whole time we're thinking, "He can't keep pulling, right?". And then, *SNAP*.

Tony Biersack

The last 3 are the most depressing episodes ever , ive watched breaking bad 5 times now and everytime the last 3 breaks me down . Imma go lie down n cry now. 😣

Zack Rapp

Exactly lol. Once they all drew their guns, there was no turning back. Simply pointing a gun at somebody is Assault with a Deadly Weapon. If you point a gun at a cop, and then give yourself up and put the gun down, you're still getting arrested. And there's zero chance that Jack is doing that. Once the guns went up, it wasn't going to end peacefully.

Jason wolfe

I feel like you didn’t understand the phone call. He acted like that to take the heat off Skylar and frame himself and make himself look like it was all 100% him and she had no choice to go along with him. He didn’t mean it when he threatened her or anything it was because he knew the police were recording it and wanted to give them the evidence

Dale Diaz

Vee i love your innocence lol. The NAZI MURDERERS with their guns drawn on POLICEMEN said they would turn themselves in if they show badges? Do you think they're being honest or they're trying to get hank and gomez to take their hands off their guns so they can get a free shot? lol. These guys run an in-and-out prison gang, they don't care about killing cops


Personally im just glad these big moments in this episode wasnt ruined because of a meme xD

Willow McPhie

I was gonna point this out too. I'm not sure I realized it my first time watching. But yeah, that was Walt saving Skyler, not genuinely threatening her.

Lorenzo Baxter

Okay so this will cover a lot but there's important stuff to clear up you gotta know. Ozymandias is an old poem someone else commented. About an old King whose broken state some people found. Essentially the plaque is meant to share that this king warns all to bow in fear before him, for his kingdom is immortal, and he will always be remembered this way. But it's all in vain. The kingdom failed, and all that's left is that plaque and ruined statue. That hunger for power was all for nothing. Sound like someone you know? 😅 Walt is like the king in the poem. His endless hunger for power will never have lasted. It's all for nothing, because of him. His Empire never succeeded. Walt didn't want to torture Jesse. He feels guilt about Jane, which we know from the Fly episode. But he knows he just condemned Jesse to death. So he wanted to selfishly get it off of his chest because it's the last time he will see him. But Walt doesn't care that it hurt Jesse, because it was about him. I'm not sure you know or not, but Jack and his gang are literal Neo Nazis, so you should hate them regardless lol. But even though they killed him, Walt is the reason Hank died. I noticed you said this all "happened to them" in the beginning but that's not true. Walt did this to his family. (I'm not a Walt hater, I love his character, but I despise him too because it's literally his fault and his choices led to this) Jesse didn't get a sunburn, V. Those are severe beatings 😂They basically turned him into a slave. Jesse just keeps getting the worst cards dealt. Now the phone call was definitely not at all what you think it was. Walt knew the cops were listening. And you can't forget that Skyler isn't innocent. She literally helped launder money and made the tape. She broke the law and is just as guilty. The call is him absolving her of any wrong doing. Because he knew cops would be there. So he's crying as he's taking full blame for Hank, and acting like a complete monster, making her seem innocent so they can have peace. I've seen some people mistake that call, but I thought it was pretty obvious, he was too nasty out of nowhere for it to be genuine. So he's making sure their lives are secure. It's the least he can do, since so much of it all started from his choices. This episode is a masterpiece of TV, from the fading flashback in the beginning, showing how simple things used to be, before it all went to shit. One other cool detail you missed is when Walt is rolling the barrel through the desert, you can see Walts old pants laying on the ground as he passes. If you remember at the very start of the show, when Walt is driving the RV, his pants he had clipped outside flew off of the RV and landed somewhere. Welp, there they are 😄 another awesome detail showing how far we've come, and how it's all coming to an end 😭 The show isn't over yet, we have two episodes to see exactly what's going to be wrapped up. You're not ready V! This show keeps hitting from beginning to the very end.

Neil Bullock

I just finished watching your reaction to The Incredibles over on YouTube when this appeared. The difference was quite jarring...😆

Jonah Bertorelli

C'mon Vee I know you're angry but you can't see through Walters obvious act?? He yelled at Skylar over the phone because he knew the police would be listening. So he put on a show with all the "I've threatened you for a year" and "I'll kill ya" and "I built this without ANYONE's help. you did nothing" Man, Walt has done a number on you lol. Your PTSD from this show didn't let you see it for a second hahaha. (unless you figured this out further into the reaction and I just haven't seen that part yet lolol)


This is the apex of BB and considered of one of the greatest episodes of television as well. It took a bit to process this one on the first watch which is probably why I missed that Walt was covering for Skylar on that phone call as well. The acting was spectacular from everyone here! Fun fact about the baby: When she was saying "mama", it wasn't scripted. Her actual mother was in the background there and Cranston just rolled with it.

Jaroslav Dočekal

If they showed badges, they would start shooting even sooner. 😂

Willow McPhie

Vee, you have a wonderful heart full of empathy. I felt it this intensely my first time watching as well. This show draws you in. It feels real. And in some ways, it is real. This is what the hard drug business does to people. It doesn't matter if you're the user, the seller, or the manufacturer. It destroys you and the people around you. Even if you get out, it can come back for you. I lost someone close to me because of heroin. She was clean from it. But the medication she was taking to help her stay off it had an unforseen reaction with another prescription and she just stopped breathing in her sleep, never woke up again. The story of Breaking Bad is fiction. But much of what happens in it is very real.

Eric Wall

I don’t blame anyone for missing it. It’s such an intense and emotionally overwhelming episode (especially without commercial breaks) that it’s easy to miss the unspoken way the show chooses to communicate what Walt is doing. That being said, I highly advise anyone who missed it the first time to go back and rewatch the scene with context, because imo it’s one of BB’s best scenes and Bryan Cranston’s best performance in the whole show. The way he has to embody through his voice the evilness of Heisenberg while visually being completely broken is a freaking feat that deserves to be appreciated. There’s only a handful of actors who could sell the coldness of “You let that sink in” while physically sobbing their eyes out. It’s really amazing.

Timothy Poeschl

This was a tough reaction. I feel ya on missing Hank and Gomez, and all the great family times. Quick thing: Walt is the bad guy, which has definitely been established. However, when Walt gave his speech to Skyler, you can see it in his eyes that he doesn’t mean a word of it. He knows the police are there, so he is saying everything he can to absolve Skyler of any responsibility for his crimes. He is making it clear that this was him so she doesn’t go to jail. So while it sounds soooo bad, it’s honestly probably the best thing he did for his family in the episode.

James Jones

Oh for sure! I missed it too the first time around, I don’t blame V at all I just wanted to mention it 🙂

David Cansler

You missed why Walt talked like he did on the phone call to Skyler. It was to put ALL of the blame on him, and to make the police see him as a monster. All to distance Skyler from any wrongdoing.

Eric Wall

“I’m sorry for your loss” “Shut up, Todd!” 🤣Perfect

Eric Wall

You know it’s good when she’s too emotionally devastated to enjoy a good meme.

Tim Martin

When Walt is rolling his barrel thru the desert, he passes by his pants that flew off the RV in S1E1. Gotta watch close, but they are there…dried out and weathered. We also see why Hank and Gomez didn’t show their badges. They knew it wouldn’t change anything. They were essentially dead as soon as the bad guys arrived. Oh yeah, we can thank Walt for the nazis even knowing Andrea and Brock existed, much less where they live. They made it very clear to Jesse that he should comply.

Eric Wall

I knew you were being cool 🙂 But occasionally someone will be a jerk or maybe a little patronizing on this point, and I kinda wanted to preempt that. Cause the truth is *a lot* of people miss it the first time around because the episode is throwing a lot of heavy moments at the viewer. It sorta becomes sensory overload the more emotionally invested you are


Walt was yelling on the phone to make sure the police know Skyler is innocent without making it obvious that he dosnt mean a word of what he is saying about the threats. He was trying to convince the police in a threatening manner to Skyler who got the hint that Walter was convincing them she is innocent of wrong doing. This is honestly the best thing he did for his family in a long time. Now she wont go to jail unless she admits to anything.

Dale Diaz

also vee! That phone call was a performance walt did. He knew the police were coming, he knew they would be listening in. He said those things on the phone to make skylar seem like a helpless victim to exonerate her from her involvement. That's why he was crying while saying such terrible things. Skylar knew he was sacrificing himself in that call. That's why she said "i'm sorry"


Not just 10/10 but 10/10 after 200,000 votes. With a small enough sample, you can get anything to be rated artificially high, but 200K+ says there is a LOT of agreement there. This episode is perfection.


@Eric Yes, I totally agree! Some of the best acting ever, and it absolutely deserves a re-watch for anyone who missed it the first time around. He's not just being his most human he's been in a long time, he's also having to cope with this being his goodbye to Skyler. 16+ years of marriage and his final goodbye to his wife has to be an apology-in-code so the police don't catch on and implicate her. Devastating stuff!

Josiah Kane

She didn't "miss" that, the show intentionally reveals this in the next episode. This fan base is so bad when it comes to spoiling things. It was created this way to make the audience believe what he said in this episode, or at the very least to confuse them. That's the point of drama you nerds.

Jaroslav Dočekal

My interpretation is that Walt blamed Jesse for Hank's death, so he wanted to hurt him as much as possible telling him about Jane.

Josiah Kane

I am a BB fan but I cannot stand the fan community that gets rabid about spoiling things. She will learn about the phone call's intentions in the next episode. Can you nerds stop yapping over one another to show off how much you know (which we ALL have known for like 15 years now) and just let a person watch for the first time without explaining everything in the moment? This community kills the drama.


All y'all covered everything I would've said... I was crying along with you Vee; great reaction. *hugs*

Jaroslav Dočekal

Many people misunderstood the phone call their first time, including me. 😅

Lorenzo Baxter

I dont think so. Walt knows good and well that he's responsible for Hanks death. Sure he still wants Jesse dead, but I think part of it is he's hurting and he wants it taken out on Jesse. But the way Walt looks at him coming up to him, he knows that this is probably the last time he will see Jesse alive. So maybe you're half right, as it's never just one thing, but Walt has incredible guilt about Jane, and it makes a lot of sense too that he knows this will hurt him, but he doesn't care, he wants to clear the air, so any guilt Walt has about what he's done can rest because at least he was honest before sending Jesse off to his death.


There's the Vee tears and crying and sniffing. Let's go.... to therapy. This is the episode where we all go to therapy after watching =-(


Don't feel stupid about missing the context of walts phone call, every person I've watched the show with always misses it the first time. If you go back and re-watch the scene with the context of whats actually going on you'll better understand the scene. Even skylar realised what walt was doing and began to play along.

David Cansler

The next episode??? Hmm. She's hating Walt and calling him a monster for what he is saying to Skyler over the phone. So yes, V didn't understand what Walt was doing.

Gabriel Berilli

I don't see many people saying this, The moment Walt saw that Hank's life was on the line, he bargained all of his money to save Hank's life, in that moment, Hank's life was worth it more than 80 million dollars Walt. And the reason that he had no remorse of Jesse, was because he blamed him for Hank being there, resulting in his death.

Jorge Hernandez

Not saying Walt is a good guy by any means but there was a line he wasn't willing to cross and Hank was that line. The moment he saw Hank was in the car he called off Jack. Walt even offered Jack all his money for Hank's life.


Yeah, that's because you are aware of Walt's intentions during the call. Vee will learn his intention with the call in this upcoming episode, like everyone else who watched it when the show aired.


Its not a spoiler to explain something that was already shown and obvious what was happening. Vee has shown time and time again that occationally things can go over her head with this show when she gets emotional or was talking/ reacting and miss understood. So yeah, we are going to explain the obvious things. She probably has already finished the show at this point anyway, just waiting for the episodes to drop after editing :)

Tom Fehr

def rewatch the phone call scene! Walt knew cops were there, was doing what he could (in that moment, at least) to help Skyler legally by trying to paint the picture that he was threatening her and that she didnt know as much as she did

Eric Tanaka

As much as I agree that the death of Hank is one of the most tragic deaths in BB, I think that Gomez's is more tragic than Hank's. Hank has been obsessing over this case over his friendship with Gomez, his relationship with his wife and many other things. All Gomez ever did was try to be a good friend to Hank and be a good agent.


Think you misunderstood the phonecall scene! The phonecall was Walts attempt to save Skyler by painting her as an abused scared woman who was trying to get him to stop and himself as a monster


Information available for public disclosure: Ozymandias I met a traveller from an antique land Who said: — Two vast and trunkless legs of stone Stand in the desert... Near them, on the sand, Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown, And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command, Tell that its sculptor well those passions read Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things, The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed And on the pedestal these words appear ‚My name is Ozymandias, king of kings Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!‘ Nothing beside remains. Round the decay Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare The lone and level sands stretch far away.


Oh wait wrong franchise :D The best hour of television, hands down.


Walt was crying while saying all that on the phone and his words do not match his actions in the beginning of the episode. He was willing to give up his empire (80 million) to save Hank. In the phone call he says "he crossed me." as if he actively killed Hank. There are other clues like "what do you know about it anyway (...) it was me, me alone nobody else". Many people picked up on these things for example LMReactions. Its also common to misinterpret the scene but its not spoiling to clarify.


Nah, his intentions were obvious to me the first time I saw it. If he was sincere in that moment he wouldn’t be crying, he would be angry and he clearly wasn’t.

Jonah Bertorelli

Facts. plus, no cop is going to lay down their gun to reach for a badge when there are more guns pointed back at them, then they have pointed at the criminals. It's just an opening to have one or both cop's drop their guns so when they fire, less chance of death on their side.

Jonah Bertorelli

Josiah. I hate spoilers more than anyone, but this wasn't a spoiler. it was obvious as hell to most people when they watch it the first time. But was simply missed because she was wrapped up in emotions. Very easy thing to do. And no harm comes from clarifying what was missed. Had it been something that was meant to be misinterpreted or guessed about, and later revealed I'd agree. but this was something that was supposed to be picked up on by his acting in the moment. And high emotions and talking a lot just caused her to miss the cues.


While the phone call to Skyler was horrible it was also a way for him to shift blame away from her in order to try to save her from what was going to happen. Also huge props to Anna Gun for the scene where she is running down the road after Walt, it's one of the most heartbreaking scenes of the entire show! Also Also: When Walt is rolling the barrel down the desert you can see the pants that flew off the RV in the very first episode, the attention to detail is incredible!


Walte's phone call to Sky was his way to clear her from any implications regarding his crimes that is why he was very rude and arrogant

David Cansler

TY Jonah, No spoilers, just explaining what V was misunderstanding with what Walt was doing when he was talking to Skyler.

Cole Troutman

Yeah the sad thing to me, as others have said, is that Walt was willing to give up the $80million, his entire empire to save Hank


Why Walt did what he did on the call will be explained in the next episode. You explaining it here is a spoiler. You know the context of the call cause you've seen the show.


Why Walt did what he did on the call will be explained in the next episode. You explaining it here is a spoiler. You know the context of the call cause you've seen the show.


Why Walt did what he did on the call will be explained in the next episode. You explaining it here is a spoiler. You know the context of the call cause you've seen the show.


Why Walt did what he did on the call will be explained in the next episode. You explaining it here is a spoiler. You know the context of the call cause you've seen the show.


Why Walt did what he did on the call will be explained in the next episode. You explaining it here is a spoiler. You know the context of the call cause you've seen the show.


Why Walt did what he did on the call will be explained in the next episode. You explaining it here is a spoiler. You know the context of the call cause you've seen the show.


most people picked up on this the first time they watched. This moment is obvious what he is doing. This isnt meant to be a secret. If it was, nobody would be saying anything. The next episode just adds an olive branch context if you missed it, but its not some secret reveal that was meant to be hidden. Calm down.

Dale Diaz

It's not a spoiler. It's very clear in the episode. I remember seeing this scene for the first time and saying "omg that's so smart" not "wow Walt is suddenly heartless about his family for some reason"

Dale Diaz

It's not a spoiler. Maybe you don't understand what crying means but to any normal person it means it was breaking his heart to say those things. Why would a heartless man cry while saying heartless things?

Dale Diaz

I didn't. This is news to me, I thought it was obvious. Walt called the same phone that was used to call the cops on him. He took holly so he knows an amber alert will be issued. He's crying while saying mean things that he's never said before. He's lying about her level of involvement in his crimes. What is hard to miss? Lol. Not bullying you, it's just wild that it's so common, to the point people are calling the understanding of the subtext a spoiler

Jaroslav Dočekal

It's pretty simple, Walter went megalomaniac and crazy and you don't know what he is capable of at this point.

Thaddeus Winterson

The episode title "Ozymandias" refers to a famous poem about an ancient king. Walt is that king: I met a traveller from an antique land, Who said—“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone Stand in the desert. . . . Near them, on the sand, Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown, And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command, Tell that its sculptor well those passions read Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things, The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed; And on the pedestal, these words appear: My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare The lone and level sands stretch far away.”

James M

What a reaction!!❤️ Still a lot more show left!

Liam Van niekerk

this episode was also directed by quentin tarantino


It's not a spoiler. If one pays attention one could easily tell he knew others would be listening and was clearly putting on an act during the phone call to make it clear that he was the only one responsible and she didn't have any choice in the matter. And you see immediately that SHE sees what he's doing with the phone call and goes along with it. The show even goes as far as showing Walt destroying his phone once he hangs up so that they can't trace him. I'm still in utter awe that there are people that cannot understand this lol


Relax my guy. It's far from a spoiler. It's all shown in THIS episode. It's pretty obvious first watch. You'd have to be not paying too much attention to not understand it. In Vee's case, I'd say she was far too emotional while it was happening to fully comprehend. Which is understandable, it's a dam fine show.

Eric Wall

Not sure if this was meant to be sarcastic, but the episode was actually directed by Rian Johnson who also directed Knives Out, Glass Onion and Looper.

Jonah Bertorelli

Well explained. I couldn't have said it better myself. There is "clarification" for those that didn't notice, or doubted. not a "reveal to a surprise".

Jonah Bertorelli

Panacamanana all you're doing is spoiling a scene of the next show. people clarifying what she missed in this one is not a spoiler. however you saying that something will be spoken and clarified about it next episode is and was MORE OF A SPOILER than everyone clarifying what happened in this very obvious scene that she just happened to miss. Stop white knighting and copy and pasting on every single comment.

weezer fan

hanks death was ruined for me because of all the memes i’ve seen, couldn’t even be sad or angry the second i saw walt fall to the ground i started laughing



Neellohit Basu

Ah you thought the badges would save them. And Hank was no saint. He looks at Jesse as subhuman because he's a junkie. Throughout the series :)

Neellohit Basu

You didn't understand that Walt was clearing Skylar's name for the police?

Peter Moe

Definitely not a spoiler, always unfortunate when people miss the mark so badly as to think it was genuine.. he is literally crying his eyes out...

Alejandro Treviño

I'm so bummed she did not catch that, she is so blinded by her anger at Walt she refuses to see anything good in him anymore, hope she gets to rewatch that scene and pays attention to his face, oscar worthy performance just there

Scott Johnson

Yep. The fanboys harass all reactors that don't pick up on Walt's strategy. It's pretty pathetic.

Scott Johnson

It's hilarious that fanboys all jump in the comments to repeat the same "Well, actually!" about the phone call that others have repeated over and over.


LMFAO, people are not fanboys for pointing out one of the most if not THE most obvious part of this whole episode. Go back into your cave where you belong, Vee fanboy. (Yeah I can use nonsensical and idiotic logic just like you)

Joe Blankenship

Damn. I forgot what a downer this episode is. Walt's such a piece of shit.