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IT'S TIME FOR SOME BREAKING BAD :))))) 6 more episodes left oh my GOD each episodes leaving me on the edge of my seat



Marie trying to take baby Holly- her kleptomania has no bounds... It's ironic because Skyler would hold Marie accountable for any wrong doing in season 1 and now Skyler's laundering for a meth empire... Now Marie's the voice of reason. How the turntables. It's amazing how Skyler was wishing for the cancer to return, but when she found out it did & when Walter collapsed, she had an apparent change of heart. This show is so true to life. When faced with impossible situations or the reality of what we thought we wanted, we often act differently than how we imagined we would. Fun fact: the coordinates for Walt's money is the coordinates for ABQ studios, where the show was produced. They didn't want fans digging holes in the desert looking for Easter eggs and whatnot

Tony Biersack

Ufff,when u said u were gonna watch El Camino and Better Call Saul after this, i started jumping on my bed at 4am in the morning lol, soo hyped 😆😆😆


Try and think... how long has it been since you saw an episode of BrBa that WASN'T rough?? You'll be on the edge of your seat right to the end, baby (that is, if you don't fall off first lol jk).


I think we all knew she would, even if there is a break / are breaks between them all. I actually didn't see El Camino until after I finished BCS, right after it ended its first run. Good thing nothing in BCS spoils EC and vice-versa. All good creators who do reactions and haven't seen these shows should eventually react to them. But also a lot of reactors tend to follow each others' footsteps and react to same things around same times. LOL oh well... V, you're right about not wanting this universe to end. So compelling! I've used that word perhaps too often to describe these shows but really only because it's one of the best words to use! I can't wait to see you reacting to them.


Yeah, Lydia set that whole hit up

Aubree Cummins (edited)

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2024-02-09 06:16:21 words cannot describe how happy i got when you said you were gonna watch better call saul after this some say that better call saul is a bigger masterpiece😁
2023-12-31 01:14:52 words cannot describe how happy i got when you said you were gonna watch better call saul after this some say that better call saul is a bigger masterpiece😁

words cannot describe how happy i got when you said you were gonna watch better call saul after this some say that better call saul is a bigger masterpiece😁

James M

Great reaction. Loving these last episodes of BB!

Dale Diaz

lol vee missed the point a little bit. lydia went to the wish.com wolverine's meth lab to try one last time to convince him to use todd to cook. When he refused, she had todd and his uncle's crew kill everyone and take all the lab equipment. That's what that whole scene was about. Lydia orered a hit on all the men refusing to cook better meth (go figure). That's also why she looked at her watch and said "i really wish you'd reconsidered" meaning she had some kind of signal to call off todd's crew if they agreed, but they didn't, so she didn't, so she let them all get killed

Timothy Banks

Hey V, I'm pretty sure Lydia hired Todd and his crew to kill Walmart Wolverine. That's why he showed up. Love the reactions, it's like watching it for the first time again.

Dalton H

The way you flew back after seeing Todd was hilarious

Jonah Bertorelli

Trust me.... you will re-watch it. Who knows if you'll tell us, but I'm willing to bet you re-watch the first episode the same day you watch the finale. lol


Vee you got confused towards the end. Todd was not there already, he showed up with his uncle and friends to kill off that meth crew. Lydia called in the hit on that meth crew and the team that did the hit was Todd and his uncle.


OOOH okay yeah I just didnt wanna assume so I'd rather be confused than making false assumptions LOL


That's so clever omg LOL and I didn't even think about it that way with Marie and Skylar.. omg. This show really has no limits and has never-ending layers it seems


I'm so nervous....... only a few episodes left... lets make it count :')


:') I love them too but im so sad thats nearing the end I dread the end so much LOL


I flip-flop wishy-washy Charlie Brown style every time I rewatch both shows. I can't decide which is better bc they're both so good, yet so different, yet so connected! They're both masterpieces! If Vince Gilligan and/or Peter Gould can top these, I am SO DOWN...


That's why they made another show lol, for all of us ravenous enough to eat it up like Reavers in the 'Verse. And when that show is done, we can sit back and enjoy a burp or two as we digest... OR we can go back and start over.... :o ;P


Remember how many more comedic moments were in the first season especially?? And those were during some REALLY heavy goings-on too. I just started this again with another reactor who started it in October but only just started watching s2. Wait! What am I saying? There ARE no other reactors besides you V... ;')

Christophe Schannes (edited)

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2024-02-09 06:16:21 Yeah and because of shit like that, Lydia might be low-key the worst person in this show. The way she didn't want to see any of the bodies of the people SHE ORDERED to kill. Not to forget how she was the first to propose killing the nine guys in lockup. She is willing to murder everyone around her just to save her ass, same as Walt, but on top of it, she's too squeamish to actually get her hands dirty and actually confront her actions.
2024-01-02 09:51:05 Yeah and because of shit like that, Lydia might be low-key the worst person in this show. The way she didn't want to see any of the bodies of the people SHE ORDERED to kill. Not to forget how she was the first to propose killing the nine guys in lockup. She is willing to murder everyone around her just to save her ass, same as Walt, but on top of it, she's too squeamish to actually get her hands dirty and actually confront her actions.

Yeah and because of shit like that, Lydia might be low-key the worst person in this show. The way she didn't want to see any of the bodies of the people SHE ORDERED to kill. Not to forget how she was the first to propose killing the nine guys in lockup. She is willing to murder everyone around her just to save her ass, same as Walt, but on top of it, she's too squeamish to actually get her hands dirty and actually confront her actions.


I'd actually really be interested in a re-watch reaction of the first episode. Nothing beyond that, just specifically the first episode to see how you feel about things in retrospect.

Jonah Bertorelli

YOOOO I never thought of that Dan. that's actually such a good idea. The flash back to the beginning is always such a powerful realization on how far a show has come, I usually re-watch the first episode of a show when I finish it, but had never thought of requesting a reaction to one. what a fantastic idea. the contrast and comparison would make for a great video. Just a re-watch of the pilot. Can't believe I've never thought of that.


When Walt goes inside the van to inspect the garbage cans full of cash and says “close enough” to those two goons (Huell and the redhead), what he’s really saying is that he KNOWS that they both took a little cash for themselves. That’s why Huell and Red look at each other with guilty looks on their faces. At this point however, Walt is in no position to pursue this so he lets it slide.