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Just cause I miss movie doesn't mean breaking bad isn't today HEHE

Anyway, I hate Todd. He's a monster. That's all I can say. No way he was just ready to shoot. Just pure evil. A KID!?




Jesse did say no one can find out... Jesse's character arc over this whole show is remarkable. He's unrecognizable from the stonebag you meet in season 1. For that final sequence I love how much time they spend on the train coming down the tracks, it really sets the tone for the scene and builds tension beautifully. Nothing feels rushed or drawn-out. It looks like an old western- with Heisenberg being the Jesse James. I also like the correlation between Todd & the tarantula and how they took opposite decisions when placed in similar situations. In the beginning the spider has a perfect opportunity to bite Drew & at least try to escape being caught in the jar. (generalizing tarantulas) Todd is also given an opportunity to hurt Drew so they don't get caught, and he does so. Todd is presented as scarier or more of a threat than the spider. At the end the spider is trapped in the jar & Todd is a free man... There is a correlation between the two.

Gabriel Berilli

This is one of the most shocking scenes in the hole series. There is one scene in this episode, where Todd is asking about why they have to use water, and right after Jesse says to him "no one other than us can ever know that this robery went down, nobody, got it?" And then Walt says, "are you sure?" And Todd nods. So, I believe that if they didn't say that he wouldn't have killed the kid. But they didn't realize that Todd was a psycho and would kill a kid. About Mike, he is a retired cop, that worked for Gus, he never hesitated to kill no one. Like Walt, he does this to provide to his granddaughter, but other than that he is a very cold and factual man, if he needs to kill someone to save his ass he would do it. On the other hand he is very just, he doesn't take things personally. Except with Lydia, because she put a hit on him and 2 men of his trust died because of her. But I think he just was being extra cautious.

Lorenzo Baxter

I think Mike still has humanity in him for sure. Definitely more than Walt does at this point, because Walt is basically a full on clinical narcissist. Mike is actually doing things for his family. But yeah he was a fixer and a hit man for Gus, so he Definitely is desensitized to all the death around him.

Tim Martin

“Well, technically, chemistry is the study of matter. But I prefer to see it as the study of change. It is growth, then decay, then transformation.”

Jorge Hernandez

You're right about Mike. He's a wonderful character to analyze because he has a moral compass but he is ruthless at the same time. The show does a wonderful job of painting him in many colors. You get to learn the complete story behind his character in Better Call Saul and for me it helped me understand him even more in Breaking Bad.

Samurai Shampoo01

Kid: 😃 👋 Todd: So anyway, I started blasting

Tim Martin

Mike will snuff out anyone who is "in the game", but he draws the line at that point.


Mike very much has a conscience and does not want to kill innocent people. Only a few episodes ago, he argued with Walt because he thought Walt was okay with killing cops to get his hands on Fring's laptop. You misunderstood what Mike was saying when he said "there are two types of heists...". He was saying that the only way they would not get caught was if they killed the witnesses, which meant that the robbery would be a no-go for him.

Zach Aquino

The prediction of WWIII starting over singular shipment of chemicals being diluted by 4% might be my favorite prediction anyone has ever made and why you’re my fav reactor ever 😂😂 Also regarding Mike, I don’t think he’s as cold as your seeing him. Yes, he did say that the only way to do the heist would be to kill the two guys. But that’s why he explicitly didn’t want to do the heist at first. During the scene where Jesse comes up with the idea to rob it without anyone noticing, he was high-roading Walter because the detail of needing to kill two innocent men to pull it off didn’t seem to dissuade him at all.