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Hi guys! Happy Tuesday!!!! Breakin Bad Time!!!!!!! :) So I talked A LOT during this episode I'm apologizing in advance if it takes away from your experience but seriously so much is happening I can't keep my thoughts within!!!!!!




In an interview Jesse Plemons said the only information on Todd he was given prior to shooting was from a writer who told him: "you know when you're driving & a deer pops out on the road in front you, do you swerve into the oncoming car on the left or do you go right and crash into the ditch? You hit the deer".


fun fact: the actor of skinny pete, charles baker, is a professional pianist and he preapred for weeks for this scene (they cut out pretty much though sadly). Thats why he can play the piano so well and I just think its funny that Skinny Pete is a secret Mozart :D

Lorenzo Baxter

Its shocking how you're able to be surprised by Walts greediness even after everything. Being a drug lord is giving Walt permission to be the person he's always wanted to be. That includes his greed and ever growing egomaniacal behavior. Like here he was pissed the hell off at the thought that he was making less money than he did with Gus. He wanted to kill Gus to replace him, but business is not as easy as he thought. And it's clear he just can't take it. You're not talking too much, V! Only worry would just be you possibly missing stuff, but we've seen it before, so no worries about us! ❤️


Hi V great reaction as always!! Just a bit of constructive criticism if you’re up for it. I love when you express yourself, but not so much when you do it over dialogue, it makes it so we can’t hear the show, we can’t hear you, and you potentially miss stuff. I only say this now because it happened a few times here and I’ve been binging your AOT and it happens often there too 😅 I say this all with love and not trying to be rude or ungrateful

Jonah Bertorelli

you're not talking too much dear don't worry


Definitely keep talking, it's part of why we're here is to see your reaction. Only time I'd want something dialed back is if your sniffling is a bit much (no problems with the sniffles this episode Only definitely have allllll of the sniffles for the sad movies - the tears and sniffles for Up were absolutely perfect lol) I can't say much about this season. Just enjoy it


I think you got the gist of what's happening here. I like to think that Walt died in the crawl space and only Heisenberg came back out. Now that he's the big boss, there is nothing to stop his ego from climbing. Oh, and no real spoilers for Scarface in this episode but, Vince Gilligan took inspiration from the film when coming up with the concept for this show. In fact, a couple actors from it appeared in this show.


I'm surprised Vince doesn't have better taste in films

Josiah Kane

You don't talk too much, you talk too slow. Sometimes you'll still be "reacting" to a scene, sooo slowly, a full minute into the next scene, and it means you're missing dialogue/context that's currently being shown. Once you've said something, you don't have to keep repeating it and draaawwwing it ouuuuttt again and again. But otherwise, good reactions.

Ian Cano

Your reactions are perfect. I tune in to hear your thoughts during the episode so keep them coming. 👍😀


Seeing your thoughts is why I'm here so I don't mind

Gabriel Berilli

Hearing your opinions and thoughts only makes this experience better, feel free to talk whenever you want, if people want to see the show with no one talking they can see it on their own. Just try not to miss dialogues between important characters, because as you know BrBa is all about the details. But don't worry if you miss something we will let you know.

Christophe Schannes (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-25 21:14:02 Yeah I think it's fine if you talk, we're here to see your reaction after all, not just watch the episode. But like others said, talking during dialogue is not ideal for 2 reasons: one, we're then not sure if you're actually taking in what's being said, and two, it's kind of grating to listen to because you talking and the dialogue overlap and it mostly results in the viewer not being able to understand either. It's something I think a lot of reactors have a hard time intuitively understanding because it's not obvious if you're in that situation; you have your big headphones on and so probably don't hear most of what you're saying anyway and you just have to be confident in the fact that your mic is gonna pick up what you're saying. But because of that, you talk at the same volume no matter what happens in the show and that can be kind of bad to listen to depending on the scene; if the scene is very quiet with a lot of tension, your voice can seem loud and disruptive, like you were at the movie theatre and talking at normal speaking level to your friend during such a quiet scene. And on the other hand, if the scene is quite loud, like when there's loud music playing or lots of noise or just during dialogue, your voice can be hard to make out which just ends up in it sounding irritating and I'm sorry but sometimes I have to mute you in that case, it's otherwise just like sensory overload ^^' As I said, it's hard to get a feel for that if you're in your situation but maybe just something to be aware of. Other than that, I'm kind of impressed you immediately got that Walt was trying to manipulate Jesse into breaking up with Andrea because I didn't see that first time around, I only realized it later. Walt hast just become completely unhinged in this season, a complete egomaniac that has no problem manipulating people that trust him (see his interaction with Marie too, that was awful) all for his own ends.
2023-11-29 12:13:50 Yeah I think it's fine if you talk, we're here to see your reaction after all, not just watch the episode. But like others said, talking during dialogue is not ideal for 2 reasons: one, we're then not sure if you're actually taking in what's being said, and two, it's kind of grating to listen to because you talking and the dialogue overlap and it mostly results in the viewer not being able to understand either. It's something I think a lot of reactors have a hard time intuitively understanding because it's not obvious if you're in that situation; you have your big headphones on and so probably don't hear most of what you're saying anyway and you just have to be confident in the fact that your mic is gonna pick up what you're saying. But because of that, you talk at the same volume no matter what happens in the show and that can be kind of bad to listen to depending on the scene; if the scene is very quiet with a lot of tension, your voice can seem loud and disruptive, like you were at the movie theatre and talking at normal speaking level to your friend during such a quiet scene. And on the other hand, if the scene is quite loud, like when there's loud music playing or lots of noise or just during dialogue, your voice can be hard to make out which just ends up in it sounding irritating and I'm sorry but sometimes I have to mute you in that case, it's otherwise just like sensory overload ^^' As I said, it's hard to get a feel for that if you're in your situation but maybe just something to be aware of. Other than that, I'm kind of impressed you immediately got that Walt was trying to manipulate Jesse into breaking up with Andrea because I didn't see that first time around, I only realized it later. Walt hast just become completely unhinged in this season, a complete egomaniac that has no problem manipulating people that trust him (see his interaction with Marie too, that was awful) all for his own ends.

Yeah I think it's fine if you talk, we're here to see your reaction after all, not just watch the episode. But like others said, talking during dialogue is not ideal for 2 reasons: one, we're then not sure if you're actually taking in what's being said, and two, it's kind of grating to listen to because you talking and the dialogue overlap and it mostly results in the viewer not being able to understand either. It's something I think a lot of reactors have a hard time intuitively understanding because it's not obvious if you're in that situation; you have your big headphones on and so probably don't hear most of what you're saying anyway and you just have to be confident in the fact that your mic is gonna pick up what you're saying. But because of that, you talk at the same volume no matter what happens in the show and that can be kind of bad to listen to depending on the scene; if the scene is very quiet with a lot of tension, your voice can seem loud and disruptive, like you were at the movie theatre and talking at normal speaking level to your friend during such a quiet scene. And on the other hand, if the scene is quite loud, like when there's loud music playing or lots of noise or just during dialogue, your voice can be hard to make out which just ends up in it sounding irritating and I'm sorry but sometimes I have to mute you in that case, it's otherwise just like sensory overload ^^' As I said, it's hard to get a feel for that if you're in your situation but maybe just something to be aware of. Other than that, I'm kind of impressed you immediately got that Walt was trying to manipulate Jesse into breaking up with Andrea because I didn't see that first time around, I only realized it later. Walt hast just become completely unhinged in this season, a complete egomaniac that has no problem manipulating people that trust him (see his interaction with Marie too, that was awful) all for his own ends.

Zach Aquino

Please never ever apologize for talking V! We’re here to hear your thoughts and you voicing a thought or opinion as it comes up just feels so organic and natural. I do the same stuff when I watch shows. Adding to your point at the end there about how Sal always looks afraid, I personally think Anna Gunn is the best on the show at displaying that. She looks horrified every second she has to spend around Walt. And her reality is exactly a point you touched on at the end there too: it’s so scary to watch Walt go from the good guy to the monster that he is capable of being. Only for her, she’s having to witness that change and then somehow sleep in the same bed as him and raise her children around him.


I dont mind the talking, your personality is very entertaining, but what CAN be tedious is you tend to sometimes find 5 different ways to say the same thing, and then randomly you will do an entire review, giving your thoughts and ramblings of what happened in the middle of the episode that should be saved for post episode thoughts. I hope this wasnt harsh to say. Keep on doing in the moment thoughts, memes, jokes, be you, but the rambling mid episode reviews can be tedious at times. :)


Girl talk your heart out,its nice hearing your thoughts. it would be dull to have some one just sit there and not say a word for a whole

Timothy Poeschl

I watch because you talk! Please don’t stop! You and your opinions rock! Especially about Todd, he’s going to be your favorite!

John Rake

You talking and spilling your emotions is great. You say what we’re thinking when we watched the first time. Most of us here have seen it already so we know what’s going on. I think the biggest concern is you yourself missing something. We want you to have the full experience of every word and detail just as we did when we first watched. But we’re watching you, so we apparently love what you do! Don’t change yourself to appease others. Always do you.


Love your reactions Vee, only reason I started watching this show was because of you. The show is great and I'm glad to be on this journey, but also, I'll take every word you can spare.


Ya I'm here because I've seen Breaking Bad already, so now I want fun (and consistent) commentary. I've been on reactions where the person is just silent through a lot of the vid and it's boring. Your sense of humor and thought process is a lot like my siblings and me when we watched stuff growing up, especially the random 'what if's. I feel like I'm chilling with a sis like old times. You've been great company while I play video games. Don't stop being you, V. :D