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You guys were really asking for this movie and EVEN THOUGH BLADE WON INSTEAD OF THIS, I did it anyway hehe :) (I am also doing blade LMAO) This movie terrified me and made laugh at the same time.. I think we have to do an evil dead each Halloveen now 😎



Chris Shine

I know I said this about Shadows too, but I actually like the show better than any of the movies lol. I'm probably in the minority on this one though.


You're actually not the first that I've heard say that :) I can't imagine how a show would be from these movies LOL it definitely makes me a bit curious 😆


Groovy. Watching Evil Dead 2, irregardless of poll results, is always the correct choice lmao

Joe Blankenship

I'm gonna throw out a suggestion for "Darkman". Other than this and Army of Darkness, its one of the most 'Sam-Raimi' movies he's done. With Liam Neesons as Darkman tho? That's my shiiiiiiiiiiiit!

Inhuman Paradox

Fun fact: It almost got ruined. The editing process of Darkman was a complete nightmare, with Raimi's original 2 hour cut (Not a "Director's Cut" in the way we think of it, but the literal "10 weeks" DGA cut) testing as middling and later cuts by editor David Stiven just getting worse and worse. He left, Bud Smith took over editing at the request of the studio against Raimi's wishes and still ended up testing worse and worse over multiple test screenings. Raimi and Producer Robert Tapert were really crushed by the studio's cuts, and even Danny Elfman threatened to drop out of scoring the film if the studio kept going against Raimi. The studio got so fed up with test screenings that they just locked the cut then and were just gonna be done with the film. It was at that point that Raimi, Tapert, and Raimi's editor Bob Murawski snuck into the studio, 48 hours before the negative was gonna be used for a critics screening, and recut the film adding tons of stuff back in and cutting out stuff the studio forced in. When the studio saw that they were furious enough to file suit (It was a blatant breach of contract), only dropping it when critics reacted really well to the film as they cut it. Raimi, Tapert, and Murawski quite literally saved the film at the last second.

Bryan Tuck

ARMY OF DARKNESS is definitely worth watching. It's a little... I guess "tamer" is the right word, but it's still fun. (It had a bigger budget than ED1 and 2 put together, and therefore more masters to serve.) I think one of the working titles was "The Medieval Dead," but apparently the studio wanted to market it as a standalone film, even though it picks up right where ED2 leaves off. You've probably figured this out already, but Bruce Campbell was "Pizza Poppa" in DOCTOR STRANGE AND THE MULTIVERSE OF MADNESS, and his punching himself in the face was a bit of a nod to his demonic hand scene in ED2. :) (Same director, of course.)


More a comedy than horror for me and a mighty funny one at that 😀 ash Vs evil dead is a total gorefest crazy show but I love it gutted when it ended , the thumbnail is everything btw sums up the movie perfectly 😂

Jesse Darty

I told you! It's a spooktober tradition! I held my tongue about how I easy this one is to watch as opposed to the last one (the 2013 remake one, that's a rough movie). I knew you'd enjoy how campy this one was and I was hoping you were pleasantly surprise. Theres more gross gore than pain gore this time so I bet you had a better time.

TJ Bigelow (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-19 11:59:57 There are so many campy horror B-movies from the 80's but Evil Dead stands out. Sam loves stunt workers, he loves using practical effects, special effects, and massive amounts of wardrobe and makeup effects. The demon version of the Henrietta is played by Sam's brother Tim, who cameo's in almost everything Sam does, and so does that car. Evil Dead was a very independent project, but as much of a gorefest it was, its was still very well put together. So with the chance to do a sequel, he took the first and re-edited the details to give a summary of the first as the beginning 7 mins of this film. Remember, Evil Dead was 1981, Evil Dead 2 was in 1987, and Army of Darkness was in 1992. Lot of years for an audience, lot of time to get your directing style, choices, and technique honed.
2023-10-16 23:13:03 There are so many campy horror B-movies from the 80's but Evil Dead stands out. Sam loves stunt workers, he loves using practical effects, special effects, and massive amounts of wardrobe and makeup effects. The demon version of the Henrietta is played by Sam's brother Tim, who cameo's in almost everything Sam does, and so does that car. Evil Dead was a very independent project, but as much of a gorefest it was, its was still very well put together. So with the chance to do a sequel, he took the first and re-edited the details to give a summary of the first as the beginning 7 mins of this film. Remember, Evil Dead was 1981, Evil Dead 2 was in 1987, and Army of Darkness was in 1992. Lot of years for an audience, lot of time to get your directing style, choices, and technique honed.

There are so many campy horror B-movies from the 80's but Evil Dead stands out. Sam loves stunt workers, he loves using practical effects, special effects, and massive amounts of wardrobe and makeup effects. The demon version of the Henrietta is played by Sam's brother Tim, who cameo's in almost everything Sam does, and so does that car. Evil Dead was a very independent project, but as much of a gorefest it was, its was still very well put together. So with the chance to do a sequel, he took the first and re-edited the details to give a summary of the first as the beginning 7 mins of this film. Remember, Evil Dead was 1981, Evil Dead 2 was in 1987, and Army of Darkness was in 1992. Lot of years for an audience, lot of time to get your directing style, choices, and technique honed.


Also yes, watch Army of Darkness. Remake and Evil Dead Rise are optional, but I had a fun time with both. But definitely watch the Ash vs The Evil Dead TV show, it's just three seasons and it's INCREDIBLY good if you love Evil Dead 2 and Army of Darkness!

Michael Labs

Army of Darkness... anytime you want. I will say that the theatrical version is the preferred one with a more fun ending.

Joe Blankenship

Yeah, I didn't know this was meant to be a comedy when I first saw it. But the part where Linda's headless body is flopping around with the chainsaw stuck in it, that had me laughing my ass off. And Bruce Campbell's physical comedy is top notch. The way he smashes all those plates on his head, you really believe his hand is possessed.


This movie holds a place in my heart. Reminds me of my college days...

Bryan Tuck

Yeah; the "director's cut" is interesting, and I appreciate the original intention. But I think the US theatrical cut is the best paced version, and the ending is honestly more in line with the tone of the whole movie.

Richard Higgs

Evil Dead 2 is really the beginning of the story, and Army of Darkness picks up right where Evil Dead 2 left off, it leans a little more towards comedy and has a bigger budget. And after that movie there is always the Ash vs the Evil Dead series which picks up 30 years after Army of Darkness.

John Cohen

You should watch the 3rd one called “Army of Darkness” there is a lot more humor in that one