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"Gus is terrifying because he is so manipulative" Very true. But aren't you starting to find Walt just as terrifying and just as manipulative? He was manipulating Jesse to help him during the talk at the Lazertag place "I've saved your life, won't you save mine?" and manipulating Mike to let him call Jesse by pretending to be terrified and willing to sell out Jesse.

Lorenzo Baxter

Well he wasn't manipulating Jesse to get him to save him. He genuinely needs help here and Jesse is his only edge, as he said. But yep, Walter's lies are now becoming more than that. They're becoming full on deceptions.


Tbh i think both comments here are right, Walter needed help and Jesse was his only hope so he forced/manipulated him to help

Lorenzo Baxter

This really hurt to watch. Gale isn't "innocent" as he makes meth, but he is so pure hearted and innocent like, like a child. He didn't deserve that at all. And more than that, Jesse is now not only a killer, but he killed someone like Gale, not in defense, but he killed someone undeserving of it. That definitely would take a toll on someone. I think it makes a kind of sense why Gus is deciding to kill Walt now. The biggest point was why he killed Gus' men. It was to save Jesse. Meaning, Walt has loyalty to someone over Gus. He has shown that he is willing to disobey and put Gus at risk in order to help someone else. I think Gus did value Walt, but as the logical business man that he is, seeing that form of betrayal tells him he cannot rely on Walt as he will always choose Jesse over Gus. Thats a risk he cannot take. I'm sad you're taking a break from this show, as you haven't even seen the peak of it yet, it literally consecutively gets better. But you're in for a huge turning point of the show when you return to it. I'm so excited to see the next season. Vicky!

Josiah Kane

I keep seeing references to a break between this season and next but haven't seen for how long. Has that been determined? Wondering about pausing subscription.


"I thought Gus valued Walt, I cant believe he would do this and kill Walt" The fact that you even think Gus wouldnt kill Walter, to keep his business safe, shows how wrong you are this entire time. Since we have met Gus, its stated by those working with him and with Gus himself, that Gus values the business and would happily kill anybody if it means keeping his business safe from the risk of the cartel gangs and police/Government authorities and Walter has risked that business and as you should know, Gus takes NO chances, everything he does is a calculated measure to keep his business going. Everything and I mean EVERYTHING that he tells you, can be just want you want to hear, but its only a calculated measure to keep things running. Matter a fact every guess you had about Gus's intentions and trying to read into his mind, was wrong like it usually is for all first time watchers. This is why you never try to read into Gus. You will never know his motivations or intentions and its why hes such an amazing Bad Guy. We know how evil and manipulative he is, but that is as far as you can get. Dont do this for season 4. No need to play the guessing game with Gus, just let things happen, you will be wrong each and every time if you do keep guessing what his next move is, its what makes him a great bad guy. :) PS. Vee, you should also notice how manipulative Walter is too, Gus isnt the only evil genius in this show as we have seen, Walt has his fair share of lies and deceit and his way with words to get what he wants and whats best for him. This show is like two evil manipulative geniuses battling it out for their own reasons. Exited for when you get to season 4. I wish you were not taking a break.


She is taking a break to watch another show before season 4. She has yet to determine what show yet but its going to be a one season show that hopefully wont take more than a few weeks to get through.

Jaroslav Dočekal

I don't even care if there is a pause now, this is a perfect time.


Even though Gus looked into Walt before he hired him, he still underestimated what he is capable of. Just like the writers of this show, Walt manages to get himself out of these situations everytime right when you think his time is up. There has been many great and shocking moments in this show up to this point but I think Season 4 is where it hit masterful status and the pot that has been simmering for so long, starts to boil over.... Don't make us wait too long! lol 😂


I wasn't. Literally how is that what you got out of this. Not my Intention. Just explaining how most people who read into gus get him wrong 🤷‍♂️

John Rake

Did I miss something? Where’s episode 12? 😮


Amazing video! Hopefully the break won't be to long, can't wait for Season 4 as it does only get better from here! :D

Joe Blankenship

Gus is like Emperor Palpatine. Can't wait for season 4. More Mike Ehrmentraut! Mike always has cool music when he's doing his thang.

Jonah Bertorelli

I love the random little "JESSE"s that you throw in while talking. I'm going to be so lost without your BB reactions, how long of a break are you taking?!??/ :/ can't just go less frequent? is it for a specific reason, or just burnt out??

Jonah Bertorelli

such a rough place to take a break at.

Philip Isley

Gus is a Devil. And a King among Devils. He’s Professor Moriarty from Sherlock Holmes, except without the prideful bravado. And yet as others have mentioned, Walt is not so different in terms of his thinking and his own ability to use logic and reasoning to manipulate outcomes.

Ben M.

Thanks for another great reaction. Appreciate you exploring so many different perspectives and really opening yourself up to feeling the weight of this hard-hitting show. If I can make a suggestion: I highly recommend watching Season 4, Episode 1 in the near future even if you don't release the video until later. There's such connective tissue between these episodes that I think it's a notably better experience if you watch them close together.

James M

Taking a break from this type of show is good to get to a good mental and emotional place. Not everyone has to be so metal. Also, I love how Walt looks so much like his character Hal from Malcolm in the Middle in the flashback.

Timothy Poeschl

When you were describing Jessie as a soft cinnamon roll, I was like, "Like a cinnamon roll from Cinnabon!"

Steve H

I'm thinking Walt has no idea how close he is to being blown away.


Bryan goes from a lighthearted–optimistic Hal in that opening scene to a: "Your boss is gonna need me" Heisenberg by the end of the episode. 🔥 Before Walt gets the call for Gale's address, he's on the couch holding Holly as she takes off his glasses while making it feel all too relatable to 'Phoenix', which was a pivotal episode in his arc. He had Holly, and took a life in the same episode. In this episode he actually plans out taking a life. This showcases the evolution of Walter brilliantly. While the camera sweeps across an old family photo they use Dave Porter's same song from the opener as well. '308 Negra Arroyo Lane' Spanish for "Black Stream'' symbolizing his family's dark path and the fall from innocence of the people around him. I wouldn't mind lingering in those types of scenes longer to soak it all in. There's weight behind them. Shows like Ozark or Mr. Robot can have a lot of suspenseful action-packed anxiety inducing scenes but then feel light on their feet. Imo no other show has better character development, acting and writing behind it as BB does. There's more relatability and passionate storytelling. That's what makes BB heavy if you picked it up figuratively. It doesn't feel cheap where it shouldn't