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hey guys! It's been a while but here is the second Indiana Jones movie - Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom! So this was a surprisingly dark movie with a pretty sad plot, a direction I didn't expect an Indiana Jones film to go down. There was a lot of shock factor and it definitely freaked me out at points but I still had a lot of fun watching it! (as you can tell lmfao with my neverending jokes) I liked it more than I thought I was going to but was definitely shocked by the subject matter route!

Thank you so much for watching, I hope you all enjoy!


Indiana Jones Temple of Doom



I hope you watch the third one soon that is my favorite Indy film


The actor playing Short Round just won a Best Supporting Actor Oscar for Everything All at Once


This has always been my least favorite of the IJ movies. I remember liking Crystal Skull more, and that one deserved its poor reception.