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There is no sentence that explains this episode better than "MATT WHAT ARE YOU DOINGGGGGG"
He's beginning to stress me out and he can't balance all of these things... It's all gonna come crashing down soon I *feel* it after that court stunt...
Lets see how it goes :)

Hope you all enjoy~


Daredevil [Season 2: Episode 7]


Miles Awofala

Hey V! So I actually looked it up, apparently they make prison jumpsuits orange to make it harder for prisoners to escape and make it easier to identify the prisoners. In addition, some prisons give the inmates different color jumpsuits based on their crimes

Lorenzo Baxter

Super late, but its definitely deep as hell, Karen and Matt's conversation is important. Like, not wanting to talk about differing opinions is conflict avoidance. It's good to talk about these things. Matt has a strong conviction and values life, no matter how much he struggles with his darkness and hatred of criminals, he won't let himself cross that line of killing. So of course he will have an issue with people who feel differently. We don't fully know about Karen's past, but she feels that Frank's way works. Like, no shit that would cause a rift between them. 😅


because Orange is the New Black (: But seriously, its probably to make it easier to find and spot them should they escape