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Daredevil Season 2 Episode 5! So this was a really interesting episode because we now get to see a bit more about MATTS PAST and I love to see it, he had a really eventful past (moreso than originally thought) so seeing more people coming up and out of nowhere helps build this image of his character that much more. This was a really interesting eppy and I cant wait to see where it goes from here!!


Daredevil [Season 2: Ep 5]



It's funny how low-key this episode is because the remainder of the season is so crazy


Couple of things, I heartily agree you absolutely should put the Punisher on your watch list. Franks character really plays out in that show. Also I know this will not be a popular choice but at this point I really recommend watching Electra movie get understated who she really is and her skills. It will not spoil this story only enhance your understanding of her character. I personally like the movie