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!!!! WE FINALLY GET TO SEE A BIT MORE OF FRANK. Matt and Frank interacting for the first time... they have a very interesting dynamic in my opinion because they both fight for the same cause - but have very different ways in doing it and are incredibly passionate in their methods. It stems from their own beliefs so I can imagine neither of them are going to budge on this LOL
I can't wait to see more of their interactions in the future!

Thank you for watching, I hope you all enjoy :) 


Daredevil S02 Ep3


TJ Bigelow

Punisher has a sad and dark story in the comics. It wasn't one person he loved and lost. It was all of them. Frank's entire extended family and friends and in-laws (including children/babies/pregnant women) were all brutally massacred along with Frank, presumably, by an organized crime syndicate. Frank survived enough to be nursed back to health, though. So now he just straight up punishes. Plain and simple. Black and white reasoning. Now, this is not confirmed, but I personally think that Frank's injuries from the massacre, specifically the cranial injuries, damaged Frank's brain and ability to hold back or stop himself. All punisher stories have Frank seeing and experiencing and living through the absolute worst that humans have ever done to each other. He has seen how bad people can go. That can't be just overcomed and Frank is the kind of guy that not only has the right kind of training (and connections to weapons) but also the type that can't not do something about it. Especially in a society that has a lot of legal loopholes and red tape. To be fair, Frank is right to a point; traditionally, he does try to only hunt down the worst of the worst. But sometimes he takes out the lesser evils too, the ones that made bad calls but only because they themselves were doing what thought they had to in order to survive. The crimes of passion types, the wrong place/wrong time types, the fallen in with the wrong crowd types, the just doing their job types (guards/security/the 'muscle' types). My absolute favorite version of The Punisher is the 2004 film with Thomas Jane, John Travolta, and Rebecca Romijn (although she did play Mystique in the first X-Men film, this is not a part of the connected universe...(twiddles fingers) unless you want it to be, lol ;) ). It has a real Johnny Cash vibe to the whole thing that makes it bad-ass and cool.

Richard Maurer

While I can see both points of view, I think Frank makes a real point about the likelihood of these gang members just going back to doing the same thing they did before they were imprisoned. You have to weigh the lives of the very few that go straight against the lives of all the people that are brutalized, raped and murdered by many who don't, with no way to tell which criminals will be the "good ones". To me in seems like saving a few people who have already done horrible things in the past doesn't compare to all the innocents that can be saved by doing things Frank's way.