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Here it is guys…. The final Harry Potter film… it feels like only yesterday we began the Harry Potter series and it does break my heart to end it so quick.

and… I LOVED IT.

The ending was satisfying and completed the series, but makes me almost want (more like completely NEED) some Harry Potter films for the “in between” or after the final scene. I really really loved these movies and they grew on my heart so incredibly much. I loved the Wizarding world as well as the uniqueness of each character, plots, creatures and adventures. This was a great film that tied everything up very well in my opinion and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Much more than I had anticipated and I thank you guys so much for joining me on this adventure.

You guys are the best, I appreciate you so much. :)


Harry Potter 8


Stephen Ray

Harry destroyed the Elder Wand because it really was a tool for Death - people killed to get their hands on this "ultimate power". Harry didn't need that kind of drama in his life. Draco and Harry seemed to settle for a nodding acquaintance thing in the epilogue, rather than becoming friends. Draco was terrible to Harry, but when he had the chance to identify Harry and redeem his family with Voldemort, he didn't do it. He stood with the students instead of the Death Eaters at the end of the Battle of Hogwarts. So Draco saved Harry's life, Harry saved Draco's life, and saving Draco's life is what led Narcissa to tell Voldemort that Harry was dead.


Dumbledore only ever cared about 1 thing. The defeat of Voldemort. He was prepared to sacrifice a lot in order to get that done. Even his own life. Although, as others have said, he had an inkling that Harry would survive (again,) or be able to come back.


Why is the movie blurred out :o im new here


You have to watch on your own device to be legal, the blurred screen and time is so we can synchronize.

Virtual TimeLine

Fun fact that will make some people cry: The first and last scentences Harry says while referring to Snape are First: "Who's that talking to Professor Quirell?'" Last: "The bravest man I've ever known" Also, The first thing Snape asks Harry is "Potter! What would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?" According to Victorian Flower Language, asphodel is a type of lily meaning 'My regrets follow you to the grave' and wormwood means 'absence' and also typically symbolised bitter sorrow

Dylan Moore

if you want to see more of the magical harry potter universe i really do recommend Fantastic beasts and where to find them. although the series is a bit hard to follow, it has the same mystery and magicalness to keep you going for a little longer. :)


I cant believe noone mentioned it so far. You said "there are hints" about Snape. Well, thats because Alan Rickman (Snape) was the only Person exapt Rowling who knew how the Series would end. When they filmed the first movie, Rowling was writing book 4, so noone could know. Howeer, when they started filming Rowling said to Rickman something like "You have the most important part" So Rickman asked her, if there is anything about his character, better tell him now. Rowling told him how the series would end and he kept it secret until his death in 2016, he never told anyone how much Rowling had told him. But if you know his. and watch the movies again, you notice it...he knew.. Fun Fact. His secret knowlage was sometimes up to debate with directors. At one oint, Chris Columbus wanted to change a scene, that was different in the book and Rickman said "you cant!" Columbus looked at him "what did you say? Why cant i?" Rickman looked at him "Because i know how the story ends, YOU dont!" Anothr fact. Many people claimed that Rickman was to old to play Snape. Snape died in his 30s while Rickman was in his 60s. However, Rowling wrote Snape with Alan Rickman in mind. When she had her first ideas it was the early 1980s, when Rickman was 35. So the age back in the days fitted perfectly. Rowling wrote the series and only 3 people had been "formed" after peope, Rickman as mentioned before, McGonagall was always to be Maggie Smith and Robbie Coltrane was always Hagrid, in her mind.

Shinku No Yami

Haven't seen your reaction to this yet, but about Ariana Dumbledore, you remember in the 6th movie when Dumbledore drank the potion that was holding the Horcrux? He was saying "It's my fault. It's my fault." This might be a future spoiler for Fantastic Beasts. I don't know. But at some point, a young Dumbledore got into a 3-way duel with Grindelwald and Aberforth. A stray spell accidentally struck and killed Ariana. It's unknown whose spell it was, but Dumbledore blamed himself every day since.

Neville L

Everyone tells Harry that he is similar to Voldemort because he IS. Harry, Snape, and Voldemort are three of a kind--all abandoned boys who found their true home at Hogwarts. Further reinforcing this is that the Tale of the Three Brothers(the Deathly Hallows) reflects the three of them: Resurrection Stone brother (reflected by Snape) died for love, Wand Brother (Voldemort) died for power, and Invisibility Cloak Brother (Harry) "greeted death like an old friend."

Neville L

Being inside Harry's head at the end of this book as he takes this final-in the novel's own words-"cold-blooded walk to his own destruction" is truly heartwrenching. You really walk with Harry to death in that chapter.


Go away if you don’t have nothing good to say, say nothing at all

Richard Ryan

Now that you've watched this: Did you notice that Harry's son Albus Severus Potter has the initials A.S.P.? An asp is a kind of Snake, and he was super nervous about getting tossed into Slytherin. Is Harry's son afraid of himself/his own power?


Definitely recommend watching the Harry Potter reunion special on HBO!


The Reunion on HBO Max is worth watching