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Hey guys!! So... here's Interstellar!! You guys REALLY wanted me to watch this movie well.. This movie really threw me cause the first time I had watched it (I was going through it and really didnt pay attention) I didn't recall anything about spoilers humanity being on the brink of extinction or that there was a second planet at all LOL I felt like I had watched parts of the movie rather than the entire thing, so here is me watching it in a way where I can really pay attention to detail and experience the film. and I ADORED it. This has easily become one of my absolute favorite movies and had no idea Matthew McConaughey would play the role so perfectly. I wish there was a second part or just more of this movie because I absolutely fell in love with it. It tore at your heartstrings so much with the deep and gut wrenching concepts and it really made you feel. I loved every second of it. Thank you guys so much for watching!

Watched on Paramount+!




Paul Hess

Thank you VKunia for a wonderful and heartfelt reaction. You should watch Contact (1997), another wonderful science heavy movie by the late beloved scientist Carl Sagan and directed by Robert Zemeckis (Forrest Gump, Back to the Future, Flight, and many others). Contact stars Jodie Foster and, wait for it, Matthew McConaughey. It even has a strong "daughter" figure as part of the drama - and there's a mention of Murphy's law. A lot of coincidences with Interstellar (or maybe deliberate homages they were paying to Contact). One of the many things that makes Interstellar great is that even though they introduce several fantastical elements, they treat them in an extremely science realistic way so they become serious "what ifs" rather than fantasies. Carl Sagan did the same for Contact.


Interstellar and the new Top Gun Maverick are my fav movies of all time. Top Gun maverick becuase, not only is the music in the new movie done by Hanz Zimmer as well, all the flying in the F18s isnt CGI. So look forward to that, and we all know how much you love F/A 18 Super Hornets xD


Have you ever watched 'About Time (2013)'? Knowing that you're sensitive to time + reminiscing + relationships story, make me feel like you may have a good time with this film. It's one of my favorite story about love & family with time as a core concept. The story has many uplifting and sad moments that may make you laughs / smiles / cries. ❤️