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Watched on HBO MAX! :)




Stephen Ray

I joined your patreon to watch the full length of this movie. So glad I did. It's a great movie, and you have so many other things here that I want to see you react to. Guess I'll have to stick around.

Reed James

So Dudley got so fat durning Book 3 they didn't make uniforms big enough for him. So Summer of Book 4, before Harry went to the Quidditch World Cup, Mrs. Dursly made everyone go on a horrible diet. It worked. Dudley lost a lot of weight and, whie Harry was at Hogwards in book 4, Dudley took up boxing at his school. The "gang" with Dudley are his friends. In the books, we met one of them. Mrs. Figg is the crazy cat lady on the street that we've kown from book 1 but she got cut out of the movies while she was really a secret spy for Dumbledore watching him all this time and it's a big reveal for the book readers.


Technically you last saw Dudly 2 films ago, so he's had time to grow since then. He didn't suddenly get big.

Neville L

Fun fact: in the book, Harry absolutely loses his mind at Dumbledore after they return from the fight at the ministry. Destroys half his office in the process. Dumbledore, being Dumbledore, calmly watches, understanding that he deserves a good bit of Harry's rage.