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Here's episode 2 of Captain Falcon and the winter soldier! Hope you guys enjoy!




Lorenzo Baxter

Some things you have about John Walker and Cap I feel are a little off. Like Cap is not some trademark so it definitely shouldn't be the same type of copy, whoever takes up our boy Steve's image. If anything, that's a disgrace to be like him. You just need to show up as who you are, which is hopefully a good and noble person. But he clearly didn't ask for this, it's more like he was chosen by higher ups. I'm sad you didn't like this episode too much, seeing John Walker being introduced, as well as the funny buddy cop stuff with Sam and Bucky, plus meeting Isaiah, who is the first back super soldier in the past. (And he played a huge role in the comics which I'll explain later) I really enjoyed this episode cause it had a little of everything. Other small thing, don't forget Bucky is a Super Soldier too, so that combined with his Vibranium Arm breaking a lot of the impact.... yeah Bucky can take that fall. And they aren't really supposed to like each other. That's the point of a lot of buddy cop type things. They work together very begrudgingly. Thats the humor and drama of it since Bucky I'd pissed at Sam for giving up the shield. I think that's intriguing. Steve has used guns before too Vee 😅 its been a while but he used them in WW2 of course and he used them in the first Avengers movie as well. Either way, I'm happy the show eventually got you more invested!

Alvin Cura

I'm still delighted that they used the music for "Star-Spangled Man with a Plan" from the first Captain America movie in the opening.