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Hey guys! Here's the (not) long awaited, X-Men: Dark Phoenix!  I've heard horrible, truly terrible things about this movie - how I should skip it, how it's not even worth thinking it exists in the X-Men universe etc... and as much as these comments were made, I couldn't just NOT watch an X-Men movie.. plus it was the second to last one before we officially complete all of them (thus far!) I gotta say, this was definitely one of my least favorite and was very... strange at some points. I point out details and choices made that I found to be interesting (which you'll see lol) and have provided a hecking lot of opinion by the end. So do with that what you will!!




TJ Bigelow

Yeah, this film had a production hell. And contract hell, and following the bomb of Apocalypse hell. This is why people are very excited about the Marvel/Disney/MCU thing because 'the people' want the X-Men to get the MCU treatment, lol. New Mutants is good. Its not fantastic, but its good. And they try to switch up the genre by giving it a horror movie element. But it also had a production nightmare, released during the 'covid years' and although it is a Marvel film, take it on its own merit and not how it connects to the bigger universe. It comes up a little lacking if you do. But still a good film with one of my favorite mutant pairs from the comics, Magik and Lockheed. If they end up exploring down this rabbit hole of a story, The New Mutants comics are one 'hell' of a ride. ;)

Joe Blankenship

I think the problem with the 2 attempts at the Phoenix story is that it introduces magic and cosmic forces in a universe where all the powers are based on a biological mutation. There's so many other comic stories they could be doing instead of trying this twice. But I'm betting they'll try again in the MCU.


i agree, they definitely will, but my hope is they will be smarter about it and have it be the end of an actual series of films, not just a bunch of attempts at the same story. an issue is that they essentially made wanda their phoenix, so they'll need to try mixing things up a bit, which isn't something fans are famous for embracing.