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Episode 9 of Jessica Jones AKA Sin Bin!! So... this was a pretty complicated episode that had moments where you actually begin to sympathize with Kilgrave. You learn about his honestly pretty sad past and the way it was twisted made it seem like his parents were the bad guys when... spoilers: that wasn't the case at all (but his mom did try to kill him idk a pretty dysfunctional family dynamic if you ask me) but either way OF COURSE THINGS NEVER WORK OUT FOR JESSICA (this time I'm totally blaming Trish)  But I'm loving how unpredictable the show is, thank you guys so much for watching, I hope you all enjoy!!:)





Jessica Jones is the hero we need!

TJ Bigelow

So the trick is that Jessica heals fast like Captain America, when Kilgrave had her, a super powered person that heals a little faster, for too long, exposed to a power that was causing emotional stress to her body and psyche, the body begins to develop as best as it can, a sort of an immunity to the stress that is putting the body under such duress. Like when people are in pain for most of their lives and say, 'you get use to it'. That's what happen to Jessica, her body developed a defense to the emotional and psychic pain she was experiencing with Kilgrave...she heals faster than a normal person. She built an immunity to his power. :) Love this show!


You’re gonna have to find some inner strength V, the ride from here gets very DARK, but you can do it, I’ve seen your strength.


I agree with all of this but they are also telling the story of a woman who is with an abuser. The abuser tries to manipulate and lie about the past making Jessica the villain. Kilgrave without the powers is a charismatic person who tricks everyone around him until he orders the unspeakable. Jessica's resistance is supernatural but also very realistic. He forced her to do something so antithetical to her core being, she saw through him, his power held no sway. And in this episode, she realizes she can resist him and she can win.

TJ Bigelow

Yes, that is the subtext. She didn't realize she had this immunity because she thought Kilgrave died by that bus and that's why she was able to escape. But, if you notice she hasn't been in a situation where she would've been under Kilgrave's power until just now. She now realizes that she has been immune this whole time, and now so has Kilgrave. The problem with subtext in superhero stories is identifying with the character. But here they created a story that reflects real life abusers and their victims. By having a character that has great strength and a villain with the powers to exploit her weakness. But how do you get out of the corner you painted yourself in by having a super powered villain that can manipulate anyone within ear shot of his vocal cords. Well you either give your hero a handicap, like making Jessica deaf but that ruins the subtext of abusers and their victims. For superheroes, you find a real scientific answer to how can a person develop immunity. The trick, comicbook-wise, to Kilgrave's power is that its his vocal cords and willpower, its not mind control. Given time, an living thing can develop immunity to a small auditory nuance that cause the living thing distress as an evolutionary trait. Having a faster healing ability than normal humans can allow for this evolutionary leap. So as much as stories about abuser and their victims are important. Putting them in a superhero context can be difficult because, well, they have super powers, but stories like Jessica Jones, The Boys, Invincible, The Watchmen really help the viewers reconnect with the characters because they are just humans with a special ability. They are just as damaged, if not more so because of their power. Unless Kilgrave takes a vow of silence, he will never know or learn how to exist within human society. On the other hand, Black Bolt is a great example of a character that has a vocal power and keeps himself in check because he understands how much devastation he can cause with it. This is why comics are so good. Take real life, and a super power, then watch how human natural is corrupted, and how it can be saved.