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Hey everyone! Here I watched the classic 1987 action film; Predator, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger! This movie actually makes me wanna watch the next one and maybe get on an action binge, I don't know yet 👀 but I really like Predator as a monster/antagonist. His design is equally menacing as it feels realistic which I thought worked perfectly as a hunting villain (basically) in this movie. AND YES I REALIZED AT THE END ITS BECAUSE HE CAN MIMIC LAUGHS I DIDN'T PUT TWO AND TWO TOGETHER LOL

But I hope you guys enjoy!! Thank you so much 😊




TJ Bigelow

The Predator, film, came from a combination concept of the film The Most Dangerous Game and a picture of a Rastafarian Warrior, 1984. A couple years later, a novel was written about the Predator, 1986. Later still, Predator joined the comic world, Dark Horse Comics, in the shared universe as the Xenomorphs aka Aliens, in Aliens versus Predators. It began in 1989 as a conflict story between the prefect hunter and the perfect organism, with space traveling/colonizing humans caught in the middle.


Watch predator 2 then Alien Vs Predator. There is two of those movies and they are fun watches. You also see where the predator comes from.

daniel j brooks

Mud, or clay as you call it, will block your infrared signature. the affect doesn't last very long though. your body heats up the clay pretty quickly. glass works much better for blocking infrared.


One of the best Actionmovies (imho) ever made, not because it has a rich or deep story or the character arcs but it knows exactly what it wants to be and execute it perfectly. Predator 2 is also a good Action movie but the rest of the Franchise falls a little flat compared to those two but are still worthwhile. I can see you enjoying them all.

Jeremy T Edwards

The actor portraying the Predator, also portrayed the Bigfoot, Harry, in another 80’s movie classic, ”Harry and the Hendersons.” This is a comedy I think you will love. And you’ll laugh and probably cry. I know we the patrons enjoy that about you. Both movies were released the same year. His name was Kevin Peter Hall. Unfortunately, he died of AIDS in 1991 after receiving a blood transfusion. He was having surgery after sustaining injuries from a car accident. And looking at his Wikipedia, found out he was also the helicopter pilot in The Predator, so a double role for him. Yay!!


This is still one of my favorite movies, but watching it as an adult (44 yrs old) I can't help but feel it may have been a little inappropriate that my mom and older sister took me with them to see this in the theater in 1987, when I was 9 years old. Growing up in the 80's was just a different time I guess. lol

Reed James

Predator looked good because Sam Winston.

David Kent

It's not an 80's action film if it doesn't have a cheezy one liner after you kill someone.

Zach Aquino

I would add Predators to that list. It's a fun movie with a lot of cool callbacks to the original. But yeah AVP2 and The Predator can be skipped entirely lol


I just googled everything and wow you're right! I basically see predator in pictures of a Rastafarian Warrior


It's good that you mentioned how Predator has the advantage. It's made to be sport hunting the way some humans sport hunt with heavy equipment in ways deer for example can't do much about.


It’s weird that when I saw Vicky about to do predator reaction,I wanted to join a full reaction.