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Hey guys!! So getting back into the swing of things after my bout of insomnia... heres Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2!! Naturally, it had great humor (gosh this movie made me love Drax that much more AND NOW I LOVE A NEW CHARACTER TOO) but no spoilers!! It touched upon deepening character backstories which I really appreciate from a movie. I hope you guys have fun watching like I did!!


Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2.


Dale Goodman

By the way sleep well!!!


It's worth noting that Vol. 2 takes place almost immediately after Vol.1 - only a matter of weeks. A mid-credits scene that you missed alludes to the fact that it took place a few years later, sort of setting up the appearance of one of our Guardians in an upcoming film. Some scenes are easy to miss if you scrub through them after the film, instead of letting them play through. Also, the SKIP CREDITS button on D+ often takes you to the next cut-scene. FYI. ;) Also, a "Watcher" in the Stan Lee scene plays a very important role later on, so don't forget those pesky chaps. Hehe.