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Hey guys, so after this video I needed to take a day to myself. It really really hurt to watch and hit me so hard. I apologize for the ugly crying and the incoherent ending, but I really didn't know how to convey my emotions properly. I hope you all handle this chapter better than I did and have a wonderful rest of your days friends.


Band of Brothers | Chapter 9


Tom Evans

Don't worry about finishing the series. Chapter 10 isn't so bad. Keep those tissues handy though, just in case. I also think you could handle Schindler's List if you ever decided to watch it. While there is some depiction of concentration camps, the movie doesn't really focus on that too much. You would still cry your eyes out, no doubt about that, but it's not like a constant barrage of brutal holocaust scenes. It's actually an amazing story about a tiny positive light in all of that misery.

Fireteam Joker

Don't apologize for crying. I think we would be more shocked if you DIDN'T. This was the toughest episode by far. Reading about WW2 is no substitution for seeing a fairly accurate visual representation like this. Thank you so much for having the courage to put yourself out there like this.