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Hey everyone, heres Stargate!! I don't really have too much to throw in here other than it was a sci-fi film with a great plot and had some pretty cool creative characteristics to it! I loved the choice of actors and honestly miss 90s films so this was fun to watch. :) let me know what you guys think down below in the comments!!


Stargate (1994)


Chris Lüders

Hello, Vee, this reaction was very hard to synchronize because with the sand-coloured area in the middle and only two narrow stripes at the left and right, one can only assume in which scene you are. It is better with a blurry image because you always see different lightings and perspective changes. Respective the movie, I didn't like it that much at first, but I liked the solution at the end, more implemented in the series Stargate SG-1, where Jackson stays and the others return. You may want to watch the series sometime, so I don't want to go into detail to avoid spoilers, but they had a lot of interesting ideas. First of all that you don't need spaceships to get to other planets since there is already this system of stargates (who built it -> series). Then the transport rings are quite interesting since it is another form of beaming/transport like in Star Trek (two ways at the same time). In my opinion the movie has two weak points. First and foremost the director Roland Emmerich, who has made some good films, but always messes up something in these films. And secondly, because of Emmerich, it's more of a mix of average 80's movie productions (shooting, bombs, explosions, some really stupid supporting characters) and 2000's style (more sophisticated, questioning and exploring rather than blowing everything up and then asking about it). But I think all in all it's a good movie. 😉

Anakin Starkiller

Well if it hadn't been for this movie there would be no Stargate series.

Ryan Cornett

Totally agree, the SG1 series should be reacted to. Keep in mind it does pace things out, season after season. Some episodes are just fun, others continue the story. Some seam as on offs, but end up giving you clues to future episodes. Great series though. Enough to buy and re watch over, and over, and over... it was shot in Vancouver. Another good sci-fi shot in Vancouver at the same time, with good morality based on Gene Roddenberry's notes Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda.