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Hey guys!! Heres episode 4 of Band of Brothers; Replacements. This episode was filled with action, it left you on the edge of your seat more than not (STOP MAKING ME NERVOUS LOL) and it showed off the skill and tactical discipline that everyone had possessed - as terrified as they were. I feel that was displayed well in this episode and I hope everyone enjoys!! :)


Band of Brothers EP 4 Reaction Patreon


Quacksalver Extraordinaire

Happy Holiday's, V! I'm sorry to hear you are going through a rough time. I hope things get better for you very soon and you have an amazing 2022. I'm really enjoying your reactions to BOB. Fair warning: the episodes are going to get increasingly intense. When I first watched this on Blu-ray, I binged all ten episodes and I literally had PTSD-like nightmares for several nights afterwards. It's an amazing series and it really shows how terrible war is. Yes, Major Dick Winter's generation had to grow up fast: first they suffered through the Great Depression and then had to fight WWII. This had probably been mentioned, but you might want to react to "The Pacific" at some point in the future. It's another Hank/ Spielberg production only it's set in the Pacific Theater, which was a very different experience for the men who fought there from what the soldiers experienced in Europe. Anyway, keep up the good work and I'll be watching.


Vee, if you need to take a break from this until you are emotionally ready for it then do it. Whatever you are going through, this show isn't going to help as episodes 5-10 are emotionally tough. If you need some comedies for now then change things up. We will enjoy anything you react to. Hoping this situation resolves itself in a good way for you. Take care of yourself.


Just wanted to say that the actor who plays Frank Perconte is one of the lost boys from the movie Hook with Robin Williams. Also, not only James Mcavoy from the newer x-men movies is in the band of brothers but also the actor who plays Magneto Michael Fassbender. Tom Hardy has a small part.

Zachary Carter

I'm sorry to hear that you're having a hard time. I hope everything turns out okay. I don't think anyone here will mind if you feel you have to take a break.


Whatever you're going through, we all hope you'll be okay and return to some semblence of yourself, if not entirely depending on what it is. Just as a note, episode 5 should be a breather in comparison to the previous 3 episodes. Still heavy, but not as bad in comparison. It's episodes 6-9 that I worry about considering what we know of you. If you ever need to take a break during those episodes with something else like a different movie or show in between, we'll be okay with that since those episodes can be just downright hard. Your health and mental well-being is more important than us being able to see how you respond to the things that happen in BoB. And personally, if you feel you need to stop BoB because it's that emotionally taxing on you, I won't blame you for it (I can't speak for others, but that's just my thoughts on it).

David Bennett

I cracked up when you started saying "PIVOT!!! PIVOT!!!...." Couldn't help but imagine Sobel saying "PIVOT!!!" and Sergeant Malarkey saying "SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UPPPPPPPPPP!!!!" I am enjoying your reaction to BoBs. Fair warning, though, the emotional toll only gets harder in the next few episodes.....


I hope that whatever you are going though gets better soon, do whatever you need to do to get though it, we'll all support you.


I don't know what you have going on in your life but know that the community is here for you. Great episode and as always I appreciate the joy you carry with you.

Roger C Griffith

Do you like horses? How about inspiring action? Two steps from hell the light horse charge beersheba = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_udGcKMhbtc This is a ten minute video, enjoy and say something about it!