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Hey everyone! Here is the NEXT film in the MCU: Captain America!! I'd like it if someone could explain exactly *why* Cap is deemed the first avenger (cause I curious hehe) please!! :)
But again... entirely shocked regarding this movie, I thought I wouldn't like Captain America as much as I did.... but yet again... I downplayed it and now I think he's a great character and I cannot wait to see more of him! The ending was really saddening to me and it broke my heart, first Thor... now this? CMON WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE

But thank you guys so much for all the immense support :) I hope you enjoy!


Captain America TFA Reaction Patreon



i think it's chronological, since he takes place during ww2 he is considered first

David RedEagle

From my understanding, he was the first recruited. Others like Tony and Banner where meant to just be consultants. But Cap was Fury's first pick for the team.

Navjot Singh

Several reasons. 1. Tony was technically the first to join the Avengers initiative but Cap embraced being a hero before any of them. Since the day he was born, he was meant to fight for the weak and to stand against bullying. 2. There was a concern that Captain America would be difficult to market in some non-US countries like Russia, China, Ukraine, South Korea, etc. In some countries, the movie got renamed "The First Avenger". Business minds at work. :P


It is mostly because of the timeline. He was the world’s first super hero.


The German planes that looked so weird were actually based on real experimental German planes during the war. Either somebody involved in the movie was a big history nerd or sought one out to advise on the designs. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Focke-Wulf_Triebfl%C3%BCgel

Jayson Phillips

It's because of the timeline, It was 1940's and Earth didn't have any super hero until him.

Chris Lüders

Very nice review and also very nice outfit, Vee. 🤗 It's often the case that you don't have that high expectations and get a positive surprise while on other occasions the expections are too high and then a movie is a disappointment. Well, this one is definitively a positive surprise. 😊

Texas Anla'Shok

No, there weren’t security cameras back then, but I’m also pretty sure there were no ray guns either. I believe the comics we see are the actual editions that were printed during the war. And Peggy’s reaction to the new improved Steve, that was Haley Atwell. She’d never seen him without his shirt before.

TJ Bigelow

You know, if you wanted the full MCU experience, the TV series Agent Carter takes place shortly after this film. Its about Agent Peggy Carter and the founding of S.H.I.E.L.D. so you do get to see more of her and Howard Stark, and meet the original Jarvis and more. However, because it this was before Disney acquired most of Marvel, the series is more of its own thing that in the MCU. Its only 2 seasons. Same goes for Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. which takes places after the first Avengers movie and incorporates the plot of Captain America: Winter Soldier near the beginning of the series. Then the Inhumans. Then there are other side stories that happen in the MCU, but not really connected with films like Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Iron Fist; all four of those people team up in the Defenders, and then Punisher; all of those are on Netflix, again before Disney acquired Marvel. So the MCU was a little scattered in the first and second phases, finding their path. Then came Runaways and Cloak and Dagger, and Helstrom. Finally, after all those shows, lol, are the Disney tv series that come after the completion of phase 3 of the MCU like Wandavision, Falcon and the Winter Soldier, Loki, What If..., and Hawkeye, which do tie into the film story lines a lot more now that Disney is working to weave this universe together. And then Disney has a lot more TV shows scheduled, coming in the future.

Thomas Yanez

It's kind of a standard thing with reactors new to the MCU to keep saying "I wasn't expecting much..." or "I didn't think I'd like this character..." and then have to back out of it once they see a given movie. Best just to give in and accept that Marvel and the MCU are going to be IN YOUR FACE with a lot of unexpectedly interesting and entertaining movies and, if you got this far and are enjoying the ride, the odds are that any future preconceptions you have are also unfounded. No real point in trying to second-guess the movies before you've seen them; just dive in and enjoy.

Thomas Yanez

Unlike the shows like "Wandvision" and later that are OFFICIALLY part of Phase 4, the rest of the other things you mention are not officially MCU or canon. That said, "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D" and "Agent Carter" are in a vague "complementary canon" state where they are not officially canon, but COULD be come so if it is deemed necessary at some point in the future.

Thomas Yanez

For the small version of Steve Rogers, sometimes they just digitally shrank Chris Evans' real body, and sometimes they used a body double with Chris's head added to it digitally.

James M

"This is where the fun begins" --Anakin

Mike Lipke

you would like the Agent Carter series


Watching your reactions are the highlight of my week Vee, and im SO excited for your first Avengers experience!

Jayson Phillips

Always love your reactions, you are sooo funny!!!! You would look so adorable in one of those dancers costumes!

Zachary Carter

Can't wait to watch the Avengers with you. I'm so excited for the rest of the MCU.


Funnily enough, surveillance cameras were actually first developed in Nazi Germany. And surely Hydra would have the latest and best technology available. Not sure about the ray guns and laser tanks though. Also Red Skull's rocket helicopter was based on a real-life German concept plane, although a complete prototype was never finished.

Dale Goodman

Opps, wrong spot. This is my favorite MCU movie "Cap rocks"!!!