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As anxious as I feel about this being the second to last chapter of season 2... I really liked that they went into Mayfeld's backstory and humanized him, and had the audience change their opinion on him. They showed the idea that people can change, or that not all people are bad even if they have done bad things in the past. It was moving to me and I enjoy character development a lot so it was very enjoyable to watch  NOW ENJOY WITH ME HEHE


The Mandalorian | Season 2 | Episode 7



Been so excited for you to watch this one, I was really moved by it too!

James M

Great react! I love when the gray areas are exposed within the Republic and Empire, vs. the black-white good-vs-evil of the Original Trilogy.


They didn’t see them because they were out of their line of sight. Also imperial helmets are infamous for bad vision I’m pretty sure the helmet is the significant thing. The Armorer asked Din in season 1 if he had ever removed his helmet or if it was ever removed by others. Of course not showing your face would be an implicit part of the rule, but presumably you have to keep using your mando helmet. Considering the mandalorians’ attitude toward imperials, those who follow “The Way” would probably be very upset to see Din wearing an imperial helmet The First Order was strict about helmet removal, not the Empire. But the Empire’s on its way to becoming that Operation Cinder. That was in the Battlefront 2 game! Madame, the design of a Firespray is awesome. They weren’t looking to recreate a single battle, they’re trying to get back into power, which they do by the time of the sequels

Chris Lüders

I was sure that you really would love this episode, especially the development of Mayfeld. Just great what they not just do to the big story but also the twists in these little sidestories. 👍😄


Bill Burr always wanted to be an Actor, and that's something he uses in his skits as you may have seen, and what people remember him for.