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It was SUPER hard to follow the story an dialogue in this film since it was so erratic but again... who watches an action movie for the writing am i right? lmao  It was a lot of fun and exciting to watch. I enjoyed the folklore aspect to the story and the fact that magic and superstition were essentially the key highlights to the story. Oh and I also liked the 3 Raidens goodbye

LOL but seriously I hope you guys enjoy and any fun facts or thoughts, leave em in the comments - you know I love reading them :) thank you friends 💖


Big Trouble in Little China



Just started your mando reaction and up this pops 😀 can't wait to watch or the crazyness along with you vicky but gotta save this one til the weekend but I'm super excited to watch 💙 right bk to mando 🙂

Faron Henderson

Love this movie. The Three Storms were always my favorite.

James M

Love this crazy movie!


Oh now I am excited

Thomas Yanez

Nice that you call the Three Storms "Raidens" because Raiden's look was inspired by this movie.

Thomas Yanez

The thing with the Jack Burton character is that he was designed to appear to be the cliche 80s American action hero, and the character believes he is the hero of the story, but he's actually mostly incompetent. He is surrounded by people who get the job done while he repeatedly fails (with a few brief moments of success) and has no real idea what is going on most of the time.

Tiger Chu

So glad you had fun watching this. Pretty much the point of the movie really. Sit back, relax and have fun with this bonkers movie.


One of my favorite old school movies!

Eric Bogerd

Glad you enjoyed it, one of my all time favs. I love quoting Jack Burton at people. "You look that man right square in the eye and you say, 'Yes, sir, the check is in the mail.'"

Sean Novack

Unfortunately, human trafficking is alive and well today, and it's been going on for millennia.

Sean Novack

You should do a "Lo Pan's Bride" cosplay!


If you haven't gotten around to The Thing yet, same lead actor (Kurt Russell) and it's another John Carpenter movie. More good KR movies - Escape from New York, Soldier, Stargate, Tombstone, and Backdraft.


At the beginning of the movie V: "I wish this was a comedy" Me: 😁😁😁

Chris Lüders

Well, Vicky, there are some movies from the 80s where it makes no sense to ask 'why?'. 😊 Some are funny like Big Trouble in Little China, some are 'staggeringly awful' like the Ator movies. But either way, it's not worth thinking too much about sense and logic of the dialogues and storyline. 😂😂😂


I Love the mention of Miao Yin's eyes during the close up... "Her facial structure doesn't look Chinese, thats why I'm confused." That's because she's not Chinese. She's not even asian. The actress, Suzee Pai, born in Ohio, is half-french, half-portuguese.