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September Patreon Update



For blockbuster trilogy The Dark Knight would be cool if you haven't seen them, also You would love the Before trilogy

David Martin

Trilogies?? Star Trek, Mission Impossible, The Hobbit, Bourne trilogy, Mighty Ducks, Terminator, Pirates of the Caribbean, The Dark Knight, Toy Story, Back to the Future

Tiger Chu

The Dark Knight trilogy is a must if you haven't seen it yet. But i still say give The Hobbit trilogy a chance

Koala Banana

Another pay period to finish LOTR eh? Very well...

Koala Banana

I'd like to suggest the Star Trek trilogy starting with Star Trek (2009.) Known as the "Kelvin timeline" movies.

Eric Janssen

I’d like to suggest the REAL Trek “Trilogy”, starting with Star Trek II: the Wrath of Khan. (There were really only seven films in the series, since 1, 5 and Insurrection don’t exist. 🙅‍♂️)


You ll love the Pirates of Carebean first trilogy ! A bit sad that you won’t watch Clone Wars before Mando though :(


Back to the future


It's the hobbit trilogy for me :)


The Dark Knight trilogy was fantastic. I’d also put out there the original Indiana Jones trilogy.

Robert Jewell

Wishing you less personal stress since your wonderful videos relieve our stress in so many ways. 💕


Hello Vkunia, although, I hardly ever comment, but I'm just dropping by to wish you more success as a Youtuber for months or years to come. Remember to try not to let stress overtake your life.

Matt Buffington

Wishing you all the best in your personal life. Things will look up without a doubt.


Thanks for the update. Have fun at the wedding!

Luke Despard

Happy to hear that the end of the LOTR journey is coming soon! Loved your rx to it, and I'm waiting with baited breath for the finale. Afterwards, take a break, and when you feel like going back into Middle Earth maybe take a look into The Hobbit. The movies get a bad rap from hardcore lore fans but honestly they're pretty good movies and tell Tolkiens story really well. And if you're feeling musical, maybe a look into Hamilton might intrigue you? Might be a good movie for November, great time to be looking back at American history and the foundations of it. While a bit outside of your norms, it's a great story and beautifully told, and there are Animatics on Youtube as an option to help avoid copywrite issues if those arise. Keep up the good stuff!

Eric Bogerd

When you say 'end of Firefly' do you also mean 'Serenity'? That is the true end of the series even if it's a full movie, and your viewing won't be complete until you watch it. Browncoats Forever!


So cute.


Welcome back!😀


Hi Vicky, when you do the last part of Lord Of The Rings, please please please please please don't tune out before the credits are over (or the main part of the credits, you WILL know when that is). The credits from this movie are honestly the most amazing ones ever in any movie.

Garrick Smalley

Thanks for the update. No worries about life getting in the way, it happens to the best of us *snicker*. Looking forward to the line up. About the philistines who are suggesting skipping some of the Star Trek movies or starting in 2009, please start with the first one in 1979. Thanks

TJ Bigelow

I saw your clips on TikTok, joined to re-watch the lord of the rings movies with you, and watching these films again with your fresh eyes along for the ride really reignited my own emotions while watching them, again. I was very grateful to watch these again with someone that learns to appreciate and also understands how monumental they are, while watching them for the first time. Can't wait to explore more of your content with you. Really looking forward to your impressions on Firefly.

Sean Novack

Vicki, PLEASE ignore people when they tell you to start with a modern reboot of something that was popular in the past. You'll want to experience it as best you can like the audience did when it came out. There is a reason Star Trek or James Bond was popular, and without the context of the earlier entries into the series you're missing a lot of the lore. Yes, some of the plot points may be dated (the Cold War setting of earlier Bond, for example), but that simply is a great looking glass into the culture of the time.


One million percent this. Occasionally a remake of an old movie is better if the original was really jank, but very rarely is it a good idea to start with a reboot of a franchise. A lot of modern reboots are just soulless cash grabs anyway.

Chris Lüders

You're absolutely right, the original is always the basis on which a reboot or a remake is build on. Most of their 'success' relies on the often legendary status of the original and people watch it because of the name of the movie. Also a lot of the reboots and remakes made in the last 20 years is crap - just a cheap try to get money while these filmmakers ran out of ideas. The best example for this in my opinion is The magnificent seven: a masterpice in 1960 (and even this movie was a remake of 'Seven Samurai') and absolute BS in 2016. 👿 But also e.g. Spartacus 🥱, Dredd (worse than an average film of the 90s!) 🤢, Papillon 😴, Halloween 😠, Ghostbusters 😱 ... The Star Trek reboot is okay, but imho not more. These are decent films but I think it's always better to watch the originals at first. Okay the first Star Trek movie is quite awful, part V is weak, but the parts II - IV are great and in my opinion part VI is the best of the whole franchise. 😊 Also I think it's interesting to see the differences in storyline and presentation between original and reboot. 😉

Koala Banana

Bro have you seen Star Trek the Motion Picture? There is no better rebuttal to your point than that. Nostalgia is a cursed bias that should not be indulged.

Eric Janssen

Millennial/Gen-Z reactor fans only hallow the movies they were ALIVE to see play theaters--Because, of course, history only existed if they were around to be affected by it: - That's why they say to start Star Trek with JJ Abrams. (Oh, and btw, TMP is dead to most Trek fans: The series started with Wrath of Khan, and the Boring One no longer exists.) - That’s why they say to start James Bond with Daniel Craig. - That’s why they say to start Planet of the Apes with Andy Serkis - That’s why they say to start Studio Ghibli with Howl’s Moving Castle. - That’s why they say to start Star Wars with Rogue One. - And lord help us, that's why they say to start Mad Max with Fury Road, as if Road Warrior and Thunderdome never existed. (We tried that on one reactor, who had no idea WTH was going on.) If we're getting a reactor to open up her movie experience, we shouldn't be continuing the Cycle of Cluelessness from fans who've never bothered to be curious about "old" 70's-80's movies themselves...Maybe we can BOTH be surprised.

Sean Novack

Koala: I'm 50 years old and saw it in the theater when it came out. I'm one of those few who loves both Star Wars and Star Trek. I enjoyed the reboots, don't get me wrong. However, a lot of the fun of those movies is seeing actors playing out the parts of established characters in a new timeline, yet having similar personalities to their old selves. Without that context much of the fun is lost.