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I didn't hate it but I wouldn't say it was one of my favorite star wars films, I have pretty mixed feelings on it and judging by the entirety of the film it was fairly obvious that it was done by a different director! I enjoyed the focus on cinematography (I ADORE stunning and visually appealing films more than I'd like to admit) so that had to be one of my favorite parts of the movie!  

I'm pretty all over the place regarding this film (I DON'T WANNA SAY ANY SPOILERS BUT I GOT SUUUUUPER EXCITED BY ONE PART) but I'd love to hear what you guys have to say and what your opinions are! Sway mine so I know where I stand! LOL

I hope you guys enjoy and PLS SEND OPINIONS, VEE IS CONFLICTED


Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi



She died late 2016. She film most of this movie before she passed. She in the next one also.They used old cut footage from the past movie


I'm trying to guess which part got you super excited but there are no dogs or horses in this movie... wait, don't tell me... those things on the Casino planet? That's it isn't it? Oh Vee... ;D

Adam Grunther

Ah. The movie that made me give up on Star Wars. Not because I didn’t like it (in fact I honestly loved it), but because the fan base became so toxic and unpleasant. Every Star Wars property that people like is just used by the fans to take a shot at the sequel trilogy.

Groucho Barx

Still my third fave star wars film. I love each realisation that the main 3 have. Rey learns that everything's not always so straight forward, thinking she is in the same spot as luke in return of the jedi, only to realise that kylo aint vader and only people that want to be redeemed can be redeemed. Finn finally realising that he has to look bigger than himself, from the first 2 movies he's been so concerned about poe, rey and especially himself and seeing the resistance as doomed and not paying concern to anyone elses plight, until Rose shows him a closer look and he sees a vision of what he COULD become with DJ. And Poe learning his place and being a meverick isnt always the best thing. I wont go any deeper in case of spoilers but i love talking about each of their stories in this =)


So you're telling me that Luke Skywalker...the guy that brought Darth Vader back from the dark side, would seriously consider murdering his own nephew who hadn't done anything wrong yet? Mark Hamill himself said that this isn't Luke. He called this garbage version of the character "Jake Skywalker," ha. There are so many serious issues with this film, but the character assassination of Luke is the only evidence needed to prove that Kathleen Kennedy and Rian Johnson don't care about Star Wars at all. Disney Star Wars is doomed unless John Favreau and Dave Filoni are allowed to lead it going forward.


Not the best place to "get swayed" by others opinions <- imo XD. The majority of the Patreon discussions so far has been coming from people at quite the opposite ends of the "fan factions." It's always great to include others opinions, questioning your own conclusions through the feedback of others, but I think we support your channel to get -your- opinion. The one you come to. Not of expectations made or opinions by co-patrons or your team, but Vee's opinion. *thumbs up* Where you stand is the right stand, cuz this is art.

Mr. Writhms

Ohh noo... I'm not getting sucked into this debate... Not again. I still have the scars. I'll just sit here in the back of the room. *whistling*

Groucho Barx

I was growing up when the prequel trilogy was coming out so i had already witnessed first hand the rabid cruelty of some of the fanbase when there were people sending death threats to Lucas and some of the actors. So seeing it happen AGAIN...yeah its not fun. But we must remember, they may be the loudest but they are not the majority of fans...I think =S


Get on YouTube and find Mark Hamill thoughts on how they made Luke character. It save to say that majority of Star Wars fans agreed with him


I will never forgive them for letting my childhood hero die of exhaustion.

Mitchell Bowker

I had mixed feelings about the movie when I first watched it too, but it has become one of my favourite Star Wars films. I get more out of it each time I watch it!

Mitchell Bowker

I don't see it as him dying, I see it it more as Luke evolving. Like Obi-wan, and Yoda, and Anakin before him, he become One with the force and is now more powerful than any Sith lord could hope to achieve.

Adam Drayer

SPOILERS... I could go on for pages on how this movie and its characters deviated from the overall narrative themes that Lucas used to make Star Wars so great, but I won't. I'll just say that many of problems came from the the treatment of the original characters, and lack of character development for the new characters. It's like this was made by people who didn't really like or understand the other movies. Luke threw away his lightsaber, something the filmmakers knew was important to the old fans. Luke, Leia, and Han never got to be on screen together. Luke's entire character in previous movies was optimistic. He could see the good in people, even the most evil character of all time, Darth Vader. But they needed that to be Rey now. So they tore down the old characters to pump up the new ones, and none of the new ones had meaningful arcs. Rey continues to win at everything and even taught herself the force, how to fight with a lightsaber, and how to fly the millennium falcon. She's beaten Kylo in battle and with the force, and had to save him from the guards. Her biggest problem seems to be that she wants her parents to be someone, but that's a pretty lame flaw and good flaws make good characters. Not to mention her parents left years before we met her. Poe somehow grew into a leader by learning to shut up and trust his superiors even when everyone was dying around him and his boss didn't seem to have an answer when asked what the plan was? Kylo is not a threat. he lost to both Rey and Finn. Neither is Hux since he was de-fanged in the first scene with that yo momma joke. Snoke is dead, and his backstory doesn't matter. Also many of the plotlines were not well thought-out and ultimately pointless. And having an anti-war and anti-capitalism message was out of place for Star Wars. Star Wars has always been a story about good vs evil, and this movie tried to say it didn't matter because the lines were blurred. As for the prequels, yes many people didn't like them and now they do, but that's by comparison. In the prequels there was terrible dialogue and cringey comedy, but the Star Wars story elements and overarching themes were there. They're not present in the sequel trilogy which makes it feel less like bad Star Wars and more like not star wars at all. I'm glad for those who like it. I just think they squandered a lot of potential and too much of it was written in the board room instead of the writers room.

Lee Salvemini

Ohh awesome! Curious what you think of this one. Star Wars is fascinating for so many reasons.

Bruce Bromley

What's there to hate about you being honest, V.? I thought you gave it a very good recap and review on what you liked and didn't about the movie, and with none of the vitriol that a lot of people gave it since it's release. It was just fun watching the movie with you.


Hey Vicky. Fun fact, the girl in the beginning you said looked familiar with the leia buns. That is Carrie Fishers Daughter. :)

Jayson Phillips

Congrats!! I'm so proud of you! It's not easy to get a Bachelor's degree! So happy to see your beautiful face again.


I was like you at first watch, didn't expect that different Luke so I was not enjoying the movie but then I accepted the story and at the 2nd watch I really appreciated the movie. Not my favorite but still a good one. I think you'll enjoy EP9 better !


hmm i think this reaction video needs more snacks during the watch


It is normal that we cant See the Movie screen? Its censored


when will you do rise of skywalker??

Mike Lipke

i forgot how bad the writing was for this movie , totally wrote Luke Skywalker as bad guy , which he never was in the books or any of the movies . this was a WOKE movie brought to you by Kathleen Kennedy that portrayed the men as bumbling fools and the women as the strong leaders . i only could hang for 40 minutes , but after watching Mary Poppins oh I mean Liea fly through space that was enough

Inhuman Paradox

It's weird because this movie is both misandrist and misogynist at the same time. The ideas and intent is misandrist, making every male character either bloodthirsty or a coward and all the women as angelic leaders, but the execution ends up making the male characters look like they have attempted arcs while the female characters either end up looking dumber or just getting killed off. It's the same situation as the Disney Live Action remakes, in an attempt to look more feminist they ended up actually being more sexist. It's especially sad with Holdo since she's such a stupid character in this film, when she was actually really likable in the novels she was introduced in. She was basically Star Wars Luna Lovegood, a quirky but likable and intelligent character. But here she's just an idiot who the movie expects us to worship like a goddess.