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Alright guys... FIRST OFF IM SORRY FOR THE DELAY IN POSTING - I had SO many issues with rendering this it just wanted to give me headaches  AND SECONDLY.... As a movie that I really wanted to watch, I didn't think it'd be this sad??? I'M ANGRY about the ending and now every time I think of that island it gives me internal panic (although i didn't even experience it what the heck)

I really really loved this movie, I loved the way it was shot, the way Tom executed this role, and how it absolutely captivated you - I was on the edge of my seat for the entirety of the film because you're just cheering for Tom (well chuck) the whole time and waiting for him to catch his break..
This movie made me sad, and for some reason the ending really just put the nail in the coffin.. It hurt to see. I'm not sure why but it did.

BUT I STILL LOVED IT and I hope you guys do too with my consistent ramblings and random bouts of panic LMAO

Thank you guys for understanding and I hope this movie captured your heart as much as it did mine, HAPPY WATCHING FRIENDS❤❤


Cast Away



P.S. Video is STILL processing in HD so it might take a bit for the 1080p version. :(


It's a good movie.

Brent Fugett

Looking forward to watching this reaction! Hoping you got meaning at the VERY end at the crossroads. It really made the ending hopeful. Tom hanks can make any movie awesome. Check out Terminal; he actually makes being stuck at an airport entertaining. Lol


Agreed, please check out Terminal if you haven't seen it yet. It's probably my favorite Tom Hanks movie.


First time I've noticed that she chopped off the "Dick" part of the sign over her driveway - insinuating she got divorced from that douche.


You got my attention with "you need a weapon"


The best part to me is that from the moment he got on the plane til he makes it off the island, the movie has no music at all. Then you hear it swell up as he breaks past the waves. And while the movie wasn't a happy ending for Kelly and Chuck, it's still a hopeful one. Kelly did want to leave with him. You can see it in her face she wanted to leave right there. But she chose to do what was best for the family she had. Gut wrenching but still understandable. Tom Hanks is amazing in this. He keeps your interest at all times by himself. Insane. It was a good reaction Vee. Can't wait for more!


Saw it in theatres when I was 10. The plane crash scene was indeed very intense for the audience.


T Hanks vs the volcano, would make for such a good commentary!


RUBY SPARKS 2012 is a film id feel you'd enjoy


It's one of my favorite drama movies of his and my other favorite is the greenmile. You should do a reaction to the Indiana Jones movies since u like Harrison Ford this is another good movies to watch


How about titanic.?

Jordan Acosta

I'm glad I wasnt the only one to panic through this movie lol

Gabriel Lozano, WLC

I enjoyed the ending, and I apparently see it very differently: He wasn't lost or adrift at the crossroads. All his personal ties to his previous life have been cut. He can go whichever way he wants - all the way east, west, north, or south - with nothing to tie him down, or limit his direction. He realized this as he was standing in the middle of the crossroads: He is free.

Mr. Writhms

"Her husband is going to come out with a broom!" lmao


Yes, it reminds me of "Shawshank Redemption". In case you didnt see it, minor spoiler ahead: They are talking about someones problems of leaving the prison he was in for nearly all his life. And one of the guys says that after a while, the walls of the prison make you feel save and protected. Freedom is a very complicated subject and both these films can make you think about it. Maybe freedom isn't something you're give or that can be taken from you, maybe it is a state of mind, something you have to achive by yourself. I think you are right, he might be as free as he ever was.

S Elphick

If you like cast away, watch Philadelphia and Of Mice and Men