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Here it is guys... I have no words... I have a 6 minute in depth talk at the end about this movie.

Let me know what you guys think I'm absolutely shattered after this movie and also a life long star wars fan after this. Now I know the real hype behind this trilogy😭😭😭

Now the only wait is waiting for Youtube to finish processing this video LMAO


Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith





The video doesn't work for me?! anyone else?

Devil Trigger

"Now the only wait is waiting for Youtube to finish processing this video LMAO"


Yes guys it's in the description :) I uploaded it on my end but it takes youtube a bit to process the video :/


We've finally reached Revenge of the Sith...this is where the fun begins.


Please consider watching some episodes of the Clone Wars. It's going to make the tragedy of it all THAT much more impactful.


Love your reactions, and all the energy and emotion you put into it, though i’m still waiting to see this one. Since you clearly fell in love with the SW universe, I recommend you give some of the novels a go. There are literally hundreds of novels within the SW universe. While some of them fill in some gaps and give more meaning to what we see in the movies (like Darth Plagueis by James Luceno), others introduce a whole lot of new characters, in the same time giving an entire new perspective to the galaxy (Thrawn by Timothy Zahn for instance, being one of my absolute favourites).

Dave M.

Heyyyy Asthmatics unite!!! 🥰


Hey V, great reaction and now you really should watch the Clone Wars Season 1-6!!! The Series shows what the prequels tried to.... ;-) LOL

Anakin Starkiller

Now we get to quite easily the darkest and most emotional Star Wars yet. This one is my absolute favorite of this trilogy. We get to see how this universe was shaped for the future of Star Wars.


Palpatine has been behind everything since the birth of Anakin. He put the visions in Anakin’s head. It’s believed Palpatine even gave life to Anakin.


Time to react to Star wars sc 38 reimagined then :D


so sick


Palatine became Anakin father figure because of the death of Qui-Gon Jinn in the first movie. Saddest think this movie is if Anakin let Made Windu arrested or killed Palpatine. Anakin would become a hero for discovering he was a Sith and Padme would probably become the head of the Senate. And they would have happy lifes with their children.


that is not entirely true. Darth Plagues novel by James Luceno explains it all.


Now think about how much more the ending of Return of the Jedi means after knowing what Anakin went through to become Vader. It really makes it extremely special. Totally recommend going and rewatching at least that scene now. Welcome to the Star Wars fandom!

Anakin Starkiller

So if I'm right you get Rogue One next 😀


The story and misery will continue in the Kenobi series. See you next year!

Anakin Starkiller

I agree with you this has the most emotional and easily the most stunning light saber fight ever made for Star Wars.

Anakin Starkiller

It's ironic that Obi Wan trained both father and son Skywalker

Anakin Starkiller

To me it's definitely my third favorite. Empire and Star Wars are still my first two favorite.

Anakin Starkiller

Well you have yet to see Rey's story but you'll get there 😀

Tiger Chu

Rogue One should cheer you up...........sort of


Palpatine was the ultimate puppet master. He was behind all the events of Episode I that led to him becoming Chancellor. Then he maneuvered the Galaxy into a state of Civil War to gain more power for himself by controlling the Republic as Chancellor and the Separatist Movement as Darth Sidious, with Dooku as its figurehead. Dooku was behind the creation of both the Clone and Droid Armies. Anakin was in his plans the entire time as well. He had been grooming him since he was a little boy and knew how to play off his emotions. There's a theory that Palpatine was responsible for Anakins nightmares about Padme, which would make sense because he seemed to know about them without being told. The window scene with Anakin crying really gets me because you can tell he knows what hes about to do and part of him doesnt want to do it. There was always that conflict within himself and even some of the worst things he did were done to try and help others. He lost his mother, he lost his wife and kids, he lost his master and he lost his own physical body and identity. In the end he was only left with the Emperor...until Luke comes along. Watching the prequels makes Anakins redemption hit that much harder. Especially when Luke says "I've got to save you" and he replies "you already have". Luke was the only one who never gave up on him. As complex as the tragedy of Anakin Skywalker is, you seemed to hit on everything but I will elaborate on one thing you said. You mentioned that Anakin never had a father figure. Qui-Gon was supposed to fill that role. Qui-Gon was like Anakin in many ways, in the sense that he didnt agree much with the dogmatic views of the council. He knew that love and attachment werent bad things, and he knew what it meant to take Anakin from his mother. He would have been the perfect mentor for him. In fact the music that plays during the Maul vs Kenobi & Qui-Gon fight is called "Duel of the Fates" and thats what it was, a battle to decide the fate of young Anakin and who would train him. A few random thoughts and comments... First, I'm surprised more people don't pick up on the Queen Amidala and Princess Leia connection sooner. Also I love how much connectivity there is between the two trilogies. You probably didnt notice but they actually talk about the Clone Wars a couple times in Episode 4 which came out in 1977, 25 years before we actually see the Clone Wars on screen in 2002. Ian MacDermid, the actor who played Palpatine in the prequels also played the Emperor in the original trilogy. When he played the Emperor in 1983 for Return of the Jedi he was only 35 years old, obviously with lots of makeup. By the time the prequels were made he was old enough to play an older but more human looking Palpatine. Since you brought it up I have to defend the infamous "I don't like sand" line. While it is very memeable, it was actually a little deeper than that. It was meant to highlight the stark differences between their upbringings. Padme associates sand with the beach and happy times while Anakin associates sand with his life as a slave on Tatooine. It also helps fill a rather large plothole which is why Vader never returned to Tatooine in the original movies where he would have sensed Kenobi and his son who unlike Leia, actually used the last name Skywalker. I couldnt care less for the sequel trilogy but I hope you check out Clone Wars and The Mandalorian in the future. Also, would you be open to reacting to the Empire of Dreams documentary? Its a couple hours but its fantastically done and shows the making of the original trilogy and all that went into it. The whole thing is on Youtube.


And that's why they said Anakin was too old to train; he'd become attached to his mother and endured the trauma of being a slave. Not the guy you want to train in the art of telekinetically choking people out...


Also hilighted some of the Jedi Order's great failings; in their zeal to prohibit attachment, they alienated Anakin when he needed their guidance the most. The Jedi were not absolved of responsibility for the creation of Vader. In games like Knights of the Old Republic, and to some extent in Clone Wars/Rebels, they dive further into the moral ambiguity of the force.


You should watch and react to Star Wars Rogue One next! It takes place between Episode III and IV.


First time I’ve ever enjoyed the prequels without hating or making fun of them. I still don’t think I could watch them without a commentary playing in the background or just by myself. Samuel L Jackson could have been a good father figure. A really good romance/drama movie is End of the affair, w Julian Moore and Ralph fiennes. not many have seen it.

Logan Worrall

The Jedi at this point had really become hypocrites in their narrow way of thinking. One example is "Only a sith deals in absolutes" even though that is an absolute in and of itself. Also they focused so heavily on detachment that they couldn't be good leaders to people with emotions and struggles. They just wanted to shut them away and ignore them instead of dealing with them and it lead to Anakin being unable to express how torn up inside he was feeling. He wanted to have a place and be recognized for his effort, he wanted to love Padme openly even at the beginning, but the Jedi wouldn't accept emotions like that and it just lead to them keeping things secret. Those secrets let Palpatine wedge himself in as Anakin's father figure, someone he could talk to and someone that recognized his talent and effort.


Rather than learning how to control and use their emotions they cut themselves off from their greatest source of strength. Anger can be used for good so long as one doesn't lose themselves in the anger. The Grey Jedi understood this which is why they are the most powerful.

Lee Salvemini

Good points there, I honestly enjoyed a phase watching the fan edits and they helped enjoy the experience more since the lore is really quite good. Like the cut bonus scenes with Mon Mothma and Bail Organa would be put back in.


Watching this movie, then going back and re-watching Return of the Jedi is even more heartbreaking.


Imagine if the sequels came after episode 5 and episode 6 would be the truly last one... Oh, the devastation... I really liked your reaction, reminds me of how I was in the movietheatre. I was playing Knights of the old Republic a lot those days and so the "Order 66" moment was probably the most emotional and heartbreaking for me... I heard you talk about battlefront, well Knights of the old republic is a very different game but It really resonates with the prequels to me. So you might give it a try. Anyways! Waiting on your Mandalorian reactions ;) Stay safe.


And thus you privately now watch A New Hope . . . It seems odd, but Episode III is so much more poignant when you have seen what he has become and his redemption, and now wonder just how and why he'd turn on everything like he did. Palpatine GROOMED Anakin.


By the way, the Padawan that fought several troopers and was shot down in front of Bail Organa was Zett Jukassa, played by Jett Lucas.


Head's Up, the next three were made by different people, so the story has a different feel. You judge them for yourself, but keep it in mind it wasn't George Lucas at that point. 7, 8, and 9 are by a different write, etc.


Head's Up, the next three were made by different people, so the story has a different feel. You judge them for yourself, but keep it in mind it wasn't George Lucas at that point. 7, 8, and 9 are by a different write, etc.


oh, and the last thing, which was the saddest part for me. in the original moves 4,5,6 R2D2 is always not doing what he's told, Luke is always telling him to stay with the ship, and r2 is always ignoring him, he's always following Luke and wandering off to find him. the reason for this as described in the book is because when Anakin turns to the dark side Anakin just shuts down, in the book when Anakin goes and talks to Padme before Anakin goes off to mustafar, 3 P0 and R2 are talking and 3p0 says " have you heard whats happened, whats going on" and R2 replies, " I don't know Anakin doesnt talk to me anymore". so when Anakin and R2 land on mustafar and Anakin says to R2 "stay with the ship" R2 stays with the ship. But Anakin never comes back. its the last time he sees him. so when Luke says to R2 "stay with the ship" R2 doesn't want to lose Luke and wants to protect him, thats why he never does what he's told, he lost his friend Anakin and he doesn't want to lose Luke.


Your observation that the real failing was Anakin's lack of a father figure is super dead-on. Dave Filoni, a writer who worked closely with George Lucas and is responsible for many of the Star Wars TV Shows (Clone Wars, Rebels, co-creator of Mandalorian), basically said this same thing. Qui-Gon understood that Anakin needed this father figure--he even know the Jedi's way of being too detached wasn't always right. But with his death, Anakin has no father figure, and Palpatine sweeps in. The ironic part, and where it comes full circle, is that at the end, Anakin chooses to be the father figure he never had for his own son.


2 days ago I watched American Graffiti. It is very lighthearted, I highly recommend it. Especially if you want to "rest" after the dark drama. A very simple funny comedy from the 28-year-old George Lucas about how he liked to drive a car in '62.


Well, you're asking why you haven't watched this before, but it's a gain for the rest of us. It's always a pleasure to watch someone getting into this for the first time, and we wouldn't have gotten to watch it with you if you'd seen it before doing reaction videos. 😊 Sorry, but I wasn't able to find the time for the whole movie until now. I don't see anyone here mentioning it, though I expect that someone must have brought it up in some of the YouTube comments. But still, you asked about where Palpatine came from and became who he is. He told us, in a way. It's pretty clear that the tale of Darth Plagueis is *his* story. He was the apprentice. I understand that there is a novel that expands on the story, though I haven't read it. Written before Disney took over, so it might be overruled at some point, but as long as nothing contradicts it, I'm sure that it can be taken as gospel.

Joe Mallard

Revenge of the Sith is so good, it's definitely the best Star Wars movie by far! Had Qui-Gon lived, it would have ended completely different for Anakin, he needed a father figure, not a brother like Obi-Wan was.

Jayson Phillips

Still have 7 8 and 9 to watch. Please?

Luis R.

This is also my favorite Star Wars film!!! Ok so I got behind on your reactions but I’m catching up, so glad you enjoyed this one I think this is the best one in my opinion. Great reaction V, very happy you got to see Anakin/Darth Vader’s complete story. If you decide you want more the Star Wars series The Clone Wars has it. But you definitely got the main story with all these and you are spot on in my opinion with you after reaction talk/review. Great reaction! Thanks again for sharing, SO GLAD you liked this one!

Chris Lüders

Your reaction to the film, the trilogy and the connection between episode 4-6 and 1-3 is really wonderful and in my opinion you brought everything on point. But there is from the beginning of the trilogy one aspect that has to be mentioned. The Jedis always have been talking about Anakin being the chosen one and balancing power. However, their (and the viewers) assumption is always that it changes in their favor. but yet they had been the guardians of the republic for 1000 generations, the pendulum was clearly on their side and they were in charge for a very long time. The extinction of the Sith wouldn't have been a balance but the victory of one side. So the prophecy has come true, just differently than expected, namely that a balance was established between Sith and a few surviving Jedis.


Concerning Palpatines teacher and backstory, he basically tells his story when he is with Anakin in the opera (the one scene with the big water balls) and starts speaking of the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise. He (Palpatine) is the apprentice that murders his master (Plagueis) in his sleep. That is also why he has this weird smile on his face when he speaks of the irony of not being able to save himself from death when he was able to save others from it. Otherwise there is not much known about him without taking the Extended Universe (EU) in consideration, which is mostly not considered canon (at least on Disneys side, the fans have a lot of different opinions), but has a lot of fun theories and stories about him like him actually being the one who impregnated Shmi to give birth to Anakin and stuff like that.


This is probably extremely too late, but, you were right about Obi-Wan bring a brother figure. That's actually why the fight against Darth Maul was called "Duel of the fates", because it was a fight to decide Anakin's fate. And be killing Qui Gon, the sith won. He was meant to be Anakin's father figure, and he was wise enough to know that the council weren't doing things right. He would have been able to guide him through all this. Also, some facts that might make this better or worse, apparently the dark side allows you to give people false visions... such as someone dying. And after the movie, Jar Jar, fully understanding his role in the destruction of the republic and the death of most of his friends, essentially gave up on life. He became a street clown, and was loved by children, but hated by adults, who also know his role in forming the empire. Last, Palatine is essentially the epitome of the dark side, just like Yoda is to the light.

The Dingo

If you ever watch the first 2 trilogies, watch in this order: Episode 4 Episode 5 Episode 2 Episode 3 Episode 6 (Do not watch Episode 1) This gives the most dramatic rendition and gets rid of the cheesiness of Episode 1. By doing this, you get the big reveal about Vader being Luke's father, then get Anakin's origin, and then come back to "modern day" and see Anakin redeem himself - it makes the storytelling much more dramatic and effective. This is called the machete order.