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Okay SO I'm seriously loving every film you guys have been choosing and now I know why everyone always had suggested to watch them. Tropic Thunder has to be ONE OF THE BEST comedies I have ever watched before and will go down as one of my top picks in the genre 😊 THANK YOU FOR GIVING ME SOMETHING SO LIGHT HEARTED LOL ( I really needed it ✨)  

This poll is going to end much sooner so be sure to get your votes in 🤗

Be sure to throw in all your favorites and recommendations! 😊so I will incorporate some more options and change it up a bit! I will be adding more and changing the poll up for the next week based off of what you guys recommend!

Thank you and I hope you guys pick something awesome - you guys have yet to disappoint! Keep up the good work~ 🌸✨



I really hope Blade Runner 2049 is removed from the poll because you've already decided to watch it. :D


I wish there were a few more foreign films on the polls. The popular films are almost always likely to win while the others will continue to be pushed back. If we could have two polls, one for more popular/Hollywood films and one for more obscure/indie/foreign films, then it might balance out better. Would love to see V react to films like Shoplifters, In the Mood for Love, Last Black Man in San Francisco, Pain & Glory, Pather Panchali, Baraka, Fruitvale Station, Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance, Son of Saul, Chungking Express, Volver, Long Day’s Journey into Night, Tarkovsky’s Mirror, etc. The list goes on but I know that these films will never receive the attention that they deserve on a list with Goodfellas and Fight Club. It’s wishful thinking but It would be great to see.


What? Blade Runner 2049 ? Poll?

Groucho Barx

Clue! Clue! Clue! Clue! =P


I remember you said you liked horror, want to checkout "Train to Busan" korean zombie film =)


Blade Runner 2049 will be on the next poll! :) I just totally forgot to include it I'm sorry LMAO pls 4give😭😭😭


That's actually a great idea. I will definitely be taking that into consideration :)


I thought the Last Samurai would be on here


I will add it on next one! :) this one was a quick poll so this movie will be up probably by the end of the week!


You should watch Star Wars if for no other reason its iconic place in film and our culture. I believe, after watching, you'll agree it's not a "great" movie. It is the "heroes journey", found throughout mythologies world wide. For a deeper dive, look into Joseph Campbell and his connection with Lucas and the Star Wars universe. As a bonus, after subjecting yourself to the franchise, you'll be able to join in the butt-hurt battles between the fandom and studio! Win-Win.

Eric Janssen

Also, there are a surprising number of Millennial first-reactors on YT who’ve never watched 00’s series like Harry Potter, Marvel and Tolkien either, probably because they wanted to stay away from DA FANS. (As we can see from the SDCC jokes. ;) ) What they discover, especially in the case of Original-Trilogy SW from ’77-’83, is that they also happen to be darn good movies. Not “great” ones, although Ep. 4 is considered one of the Great American Classics, and it came along at a time when 70's movies were bleak, gritty and downbeat. Critics tried to compare SW:E4 to “old movies” (most tried to compare it to Wizard of Oz or Flash Gordon serials), simply because it had “What old classic movies had”.

Tiger Chu

Monty Python and The Holy Grail ;)

Darren Withers

Just another reminder. Bladerunner 2049 has 3 companion short films to see beforehand (kind of like Animatrix, but more). This link has all 3 in one. https://youtu.be/aMP1YpQSGhQ

Darren Withers

Damn! Too many good choices, here! I can’t decide between Star Wars, Batman Begins, Seven Samurai, Pan’s Labyrinth and Silence of the Lambs...... and those are just the top five from the list!


Yes! I'm glad Star Wars won. If you like it I hope you do the whole saga (the original trilogy 4-6 and the prequel trilogy 1-3). You can't watch one without watching them all as they're pieces to a puzzle. I personally don't care much for any of the newer Disney produced films as George Lucas (creator of Star Wars) had very little to do with them....among other reasons. To each their own though.


Cool, Star Wars and even starting chronologically :-))) But to stick with the true Saga Vee should only watch Episode 1-6. The Disney Movies have nothing to do with George Lucas' Saga. It is so frustrating to know how they tricked him to get the Licence... :-( For me endet the whole Star Wars Franchise with "the Clone Wars" Season 6! Here a cool/funny/sad Video (SPOILER!) about how Disney tricked George Lucas... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56FsSmUi0Yk

Eric Janssen

Of course, by "Chronologically", that's Release order, ie. 4-6, 1(?)-3. Otherwise, it's possible to fall into the trap of "Whose saga is this ABOUT, anyway?", where following the Prequel characters first makes our introductions to the classic Original characters seem almost pointless. Of Disney’s New Trilogy, I suppose it might be possible to watch only SW:E7 - The Force Awakens, but only if you know a wrench was thrown into the works, and we never really did find out what happens afterwards…Better to imagine what could have been, than frustrate yourself with what we got.


I know you are not a big Fan of Ep 1 and i also think it is not that great. But it is a part of the true Saga and i like it now much much more then before when it came out :-) And yes you are right about Ep 7. First i was so upset and frustrated about the whole Disney Stuff but as soon as i realised that they are just "Fan-fiction" and simply don't mean anything, i could make my peace with it. And now i can even watch Ep 7 again just for its quite solid Action. :-)