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Hey guys! So uh, finally watched Saving Private Ryan....


But seriously.... such a good movie. At first I was like 3 hours but then I was like NO PLEASE MORE OF THIS😭😭😭

I hope you guys enjoy the reaction and I will post the next polls soon!


Saving Private Ryan | Full Length Reaction


Joel Harrison

3 hours is nothing... Time to binge LOTR trilogy extended edition


Omg I was just reading your other message... but first of all THANK YOU❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ but to keep it short on this, YES THAT'S DEFINITELY COMING IN THE FUTURE! I finally get to know more about Gandalf, Legolas and Frodo... THE MEMES NEED TO MAKE SENSE

Joel Harrison

The memes Vee what do they meeaaannnnnn

Lee Salvemini

Nice! I can say 100% you dived in the deep end haha. For sure you'll find Dunkirk and 1917 both much easier to watch after this. Both great war films too!


Now you gotta watch Band Of Brothers on HBO. It's not a movie but a tv series.

Tiger Chu

D Day veterens have said that the one thing missing from the beach landing scene in the beginning was the smell. Some of them had to walk out of the theater cause it was so realistic. One of the best movies of the 90s

Logan Worrall

Definitely one of the most realistic war movies out there. https://www.warhistoryonline.com/world-war-ii/spielbergs-war-saving-private-ryan.html article on how it was extremely hard on vets and narrowed the gap between the younger generation and WW2 vets. I liked this music video that shows not only Saving Private Ryan Footage but also shows real footage alongside of the real people no real gore though like the movie. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xckjrXMoyOA


I don't recall which one. But a Joe Rogan interview had a guest who said that when his grandfather went to the theater to see this movie, he had to walk out during the opening scene because it was so realistic that he could smell the gasoline. Just proves how strong these memories are for the veterans..


so glad you liked it!


and you know, no matter what war they fought in, whether it was unjustified or was truly necessary like WWII, i have the upmost respect for the soldiers who fought and died for our flag. It makes me sad when they come home and struggle financially and also with psychological trauma. 😢


Still in my top 3 war movie. As nobody yet pointed out in the comments. I will try to point out some things while you watched. 1. Corporal's name was Upham which was yelled like 10x more times in this movie than any other name. Many hate him, but I never hated him as I could understand the situation if you only follow through the movie from his eyes and what he was. He wasn't a soldier, he was forcefully ordered to join them on this suicide mission, just because he could speak other languages. That last battle was actually his first real firefight battle, so him being scared is very realistic to show, maybe the unrealistic was how many times he ran across the main street where constantly bullets where flying without getting too afraid to do it again. 2. The german soldier was the same one they let go when their medic died. That was why he knew Upham's name before he shot him. So in the end morality question shown, was it wrong to let him go as at the end he solo killed so many of this gang of brothers. War has no right or wrong answers. 3. Fubar = Fucked up beyond recognition Another amazing war movie is "Unknown Soldier" which is Finland's fight vs Soviets in ww2 to hold on to their independence. As I am from Finland it's my top 1 war movie. Just decided to throw the last of my top 3 here too "Unsere Mütter, unsere Väter (original title)" / "Generation of War" which is a 3 episode mini-series that shows from german soldier perspective.


oh i cant wait to watch this !

Luis R.

I hadn’t seen this in a long time. Was nice returning to this one with you. There are some good suggestions in here for this genre. Idk if you have seen Fury but if not I’ll throw it in the possible suggestions for ya. Saw someone mention Band of Brothers, another great one too. Really enjoy hearing your thoughts throughout and after the movies gonna check out your Ghost in Shell reac tomorrow I really like that movie! 👍🏼

マン 番犬

recommended is 「war horse 」


I meant to comment earlier, but I really enjoyed this watch along. As a person who has loved film for their whole life, it was so great to watch your enjoyment and absolute sorrow. That is the one thing a filmmaker wants out of a film and that is to move people. One moment that stood out to me was when the mother was getting the news of her sons death, you noticed the framing and how well done it was. That is something most people overlook. Absolutley loved that you noticed that. IF I had one suggestion, you need to see The Pianist. It's a WW2 film, but from the perspective of a Jew in Poland. And yes, it's a tough watch, but a fucking phenomenal film.


I agree, I think that shot was so artistically done and I don't think I've ever seen a scene (as sad as it was) that had stood out to me more in regards to framing and such :) I've seen MAYBE a bit of it before? I remember there was a part on a train but I hear it is a must see, even my mom has said so. I've learned about Polish history from my family and the experiences throughout my life so I think it's definitely a film I'll want to watch :)

Logan Serfass

This is one of my favorite movies of all time. The depiction of Omaha Beach on DDay was so realistic. Makes me think of my grandfather who landed there on DDay. He never saw it but of what he said about it it was pretty close. Bloody Omaha was its nickname because the water and sand was nothing but red. Also stepping over bodies. Horrifying. I do Definitely recommend Band Of Brothers. Its an amazing 10 part mini series. Please do reactions to it.

Anakin Starkiller

Yeah it sad the minute they got out of those boats they were just being destroyed 😔


That's so awful..... I can't imagine, just the fact that that had happened is heartbreaking. I definitely have an *extremely* soft spot for everyone affected by WW2 specifically because of how many of my family members I had lost, and the stories my late grandmother would tell me remembering war torn Poland as a child during the war. It felt way too recent somehow. And HEY... shhh don't spill my secrets 😊I MAY or may NOT be doing Band Of Brothers.... 😁

christopher brown

Another great war movie is Das Boot (the boat)


Due to my PTSD, I cannot watch this with you, but I am glad you watched it. I saw it with my father after I came back from my military service (the one and only time I could watch it). It was beautifully done. By your picture and the comments, i see you appreciated it as it deserved.


This was such a bittersweet yet heartwarming comment. Thank you for sharing Oouga. I cannot imagine the horrors of being on the frontlines and have the utmost respect for anyone serving/who has served their country. Thank you for your service Oouga, you are highly appreciated. ❤️

Derrick C. Shields

One of my favourite compliments to give a film is to say it didn't feel as long as its runtime. And boy does Saving Private Ryan not feel like 3 hours. Such a good movie.


It's one of my favorite Tom hanks and war filmsmy other favorite is the Patriot with Mel Gibson


It definitely didn't. It was such an amazing movie from start to finish. :)


You will like it it has such a amazing story of how our country started and great characters and moments


Second full review with you and it just reminds me how happy I am that I joined your patreon. Your react was so good. And no worries, I have seen this movie a bunch of times and I cry a ton every single time, even though I know exactly what is coming!! If you like WWII movies then a great WWII movie that came out a few years ago is Hacksaw Ridge. I can't recommend it enough. It is the true story of Desmond Doss, a medic who was a conscientious objector that, while wanting to go into war, refused to go to war with a gun. And in spite of refusing to pick up a gun he saved 75 men by himself at the Battle of Okinawa. It's heartfelt, moving, beautiful, horrific, and unbelievable. He ended up getting a congressional medal of honor for his heroism. Amazing movie with Andrew Garfield, directed by Mel Gibson. I cannot recommend it enough if you like WWII movies. That aside, amazing react!!!


I dont hear anything


Try "Taegukgi: The Brotherhood of War" (2004). It is about the Korean civil war, you would enjoy it!