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Alright guys... here it is... the film that everyone said would destroy me, but still suggested I watch LOL

Well you guys were right, it wrecked me and had left me feeling empty for a long time after watching it - I still think back to random scenes in this movie, realizing new things I hadn't before and finding new ways to upset myself over it LOL (help)

As everyone had said, it was an amazing movie that you never want to watch again. I don't think I'll ever forget it, but I still feel like it was important to experience. Thank you for being as supportive as you guys are, it's helped me get through the aftermath of this movie😅

I was honestly in denial for a lot of this movie (as you'll be able to tell) hoping it wasn't going where it was going... but, it did anyway. :( I TRIED MY HARDEST NOT TO CRY.. AND I WAS DOING A GOOD JOB UNTIL... YOU KNOW.

I hope you guys enjoy the reaction and can cry with me 😭 I'm so lucky to have had my tissues on standby

NOTE: Syncing starts right from beginning :)


Grave of the Fireflies | Full Length Reaction



Welp time for me to cry again with this movie


Uuf, this might be a movie that I will leave for when I am mentally more prepared. Will edit this comment when I do watch this again...


I haven't been able to bring myself until now, but I think I can watch this with you. I recommend you to watch "In This Corner of the World" in the near future. The story takes place in Hiroshima around the same time as "Grave of the Fireflies." It would sadden you, but not the way "Fireflies" does. It's beautiful, so sad, sometimes funny, in some places horrific, but ultimately hopeful.

Cor Gi

I was too late. I was going to warn you. I saw this film back in 97 and had not watched it again till now. It was not a good feel. It was even harder when I actually lived in Japan 40 mins from Hiroshima. The A-bomb dome, and the peace museum were somber reminders that what happened in Japan back in WW2 must never happen again.

Danny Johnston

Oh man, it finally happened! I just want to give you a hug after watching this! I'm definitely gonna be voting happy movies from this point on!


Commenting again to say, but maybe we should take a break from these heartbreaking films.


I agree, the next few movies should be heartwarming and not heartbreaking! Im glad that Ponyo won as the next movie. I hope that now more Movies from Takahata will win, like Pom Poko, Only Yesterday or the Yamadas!


Oh my goodness, I can only imagine.. War is a horrible thing that affects every single person whether they be on the front lines or back home. It's horror and I hope we can learn from our past mistakes. I will never forget this movie.


Maybe we should take a bit of a break from the sad films and resume them after a break 😅I don't know how many tears I can possibly shed LOL


Good luck... It really is heartbreaking, and the longer you go after watching it the more details you realize in the film that make it hurt that much more. It stays with you. :(

Khalid خــآلــْد

Seita was wrong about some things, as he believed that money could solve all his problems, although the old man told him that money was not very important in time of war and gave him advice to return to his aunt and apologize to her, but he refused and caused malnutrition to his sister until he lost her, I can't imagine the feeling of losing the last person in your family, especially your little sister. How painful it is. Before burning her, he decided to take the candy box and put his sister’s remains in it. That candy box was always with her It means a lot to both of them. In the end, the cleaner found Seita dead and the last word he pronounced it before he died was his sister's name ''Setsuko'', which is the scene of the beginning of the movie then He took a candy box from him and threw it, a deep and painful movie, I could not bear the feeling of pain, especially since such stories may happen in life, whether because of wars or other things, I enjoyed and grieved watching this wonderful movie, but I also will not try to watch it again so that I do not feel sad and empty again. Thanks for the movie.


I see. After watching the film and looking into it the days following I realized a lot of people thought Seita to be in the wrong and honestly, I do see it but at the same time - him being a child himself and with how uncaring his aunt was, I wouldn't be surprised if she let them starve when they ran out of food. I guess with that mentality it can be seen as "Freedom yet happy vs Tied down but miserable" . And as selfish as it was, Seita chose freedom in order to be happy with his sister :( I think he sort of knew he was unable to care for her but was selfish in that aspect and was too proud. I just can't really speak because I can't imagine ever making the proper decisions as a child LOL I will definitely not be watching it anytime soon, or ever again. I'm not sure. But all I know is that I will never forget it, as well as its underlying true stories. Thank you for your thoughtful comment Khalid.


I have been wanting to watch this movie for the secondth time for many months now and i had been dreading it... this was incredibly hard to go through again