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As usual, pick the movie you'd like to see next; and whether you think it should be in original Japanese or English dubbing!!

I added some more movies so there are more options to choose from for this poll - let me know if you liked the additions!

Thank you guys~ ๐ŸŒธ

Note: I pick whichever movie is winning Wednesday night or Thursday morning! :)



I am always looking forward to posting. I expect "Wolf Children" to be added to the list If you haven't watched yet.

Anna Kyruin

I was looking at this poll and I wonder if the data is at all skewed by separating the subs v dubs, but then I guess I'm just wondering if you add the subs and subs numbers together to decide the movie first and then look at the comparative language balance? That makes sense hahaha answering my own question over here.


Ah thank you for the recommendation!! I've heard of it and have had it recommended to me! I haven't watched it yet but I will add it to the list - so keep an eye out for it being on an upcoming poll ๐Ÿ˜Š


Lmaooo aw you're good Anna! I was really just picking the winner by the highest number of votes - whether it be in Japanese or English! ๐Ÿ˜Š


Now I'm not sure because it could be totally legit but I also feel like the votes are skewed/hacked. It happened to Storm Akima's channel and I'm not sure how she dealt with it but she figured out a way. However it feels off from looking at the votes in previous polls compared to the last two. But perhaps because you have more patreons now that is the reason why! But something to keep in mind just in case (don't want to be a debby downer but thought it would be important to say).


I did get a lot of new patrons but I also didn't enable one vote only so it looks different lmfao people have voted more than once and starting next poll, it will be one vote only! :)