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Hiii friends 🌸

We are gaining a crazy amount of traction 😳something I did not expect at all, and something I am crazy thankful for. But since we areeeee, I of course would like to try new things to continue making people happy and entertained soooo~

Would you guys be open to hanging out with me on a celebratory twitch stream to commemorate hitting 3k subs?!

Please let me know, your opinions are extremely valuable to me and really help me determine what would make you guys happy. 🤗

Thank you~ 🌸❤️



I'll be there if I can make it, but I'm pretty sure I live on the opposite timezone to you lol. Still, congrats on the 3k subs!

IK the Troll King

When will this be happening? I am in the Eastern time zone, for reference.


Aw Say! That's okay! A lil early but once we hit it - thank you! 😆I'm posting this for future reference and just to see whether you guys would be open to it. :) I'm in New York (EST) so I'm not really sure! When we get closer, I'll post a time! :)


Ooh so am I! :) Well when we get closer to hitting 3k, I'll be posting a time and date - I would just like to get a feel of who would be interested in that! :)

Christopher Sossamon

I'll try to make it depending on the day and time. Congrats!


I'm also in the EST time zone, and if the stream takes place late afternoon/evening I should be able to make it.


It will be around late afternoon to evening I think but you're not required to at all! I just wanted to do something special before classes start :)


Okay Chris! I will post a day before and the day of when it's happening! :)