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Going into this film I had absolutely no expectations, I had ZERO clue what to expect or even what the film was about - but LEMME TELL YA that ending.... That ending left me shook. The entire movie, each detail in the story built up to that ending, to that EXACT moment and now I know why the film was rated so highly LOL

If you haven't seen this movie... this ending will blow your mind. Trust me LOL the acting was phenomenal and everything TOTALLY came out of left field. Great job:))

PS: I'm sorry if I seemed distracted for a couple moments during this film, I had to keep looking over because Malinka (the kitten I rescued a few months back) got spayed and ended up ripping her stitches... :( poor baby... she usually rests on my bed but every time she wants to eat, use the litter box, etc she tries to jump down and hurts herself so I keep a pretty close eye on her. So that's why I would do an occasional glance off to the side! I still paid plenty attention to the movie trust me LOL

 (also we took her to the vet early this morning and she seems to be doing better now! Keeping an eye on her, she bit and tore through her onesie to get to the wound so you can imagine how much of a handful she is LOL)

Thank you for all your support, understanding and for joining me for each of these experiences, you guys make this so enjoyable and fun for me, I can't thank you enough. :')) I hope you have a good week friends 🥰❤️❤️



I think you would really enjoy watching "Moon" (2009). It is a really good SciFy-Mystery movie.

Chris Ruzin

This has always been one of my favorite movies, and your reaction at the end was so good! I remember feeling the same way. 😂 Another that has a similar vibe of “not sure what’s really happening” that I also love is The Game (1997) with Michael Douglas.