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SORRRYYYY I posted the wrong show LMAO, I've fixed it now!!!

WE FINALLY MEET TOPHHHHH AND SHE IS NOT WHAT I WAS EXPECTING… she’s also like way smaller with so much more attitude than I could imagine…. And I love it. She’s such a skilled earth bender, im so happy to see the gang is all finally together:))) what did you guys think?!?!


Eric Tanaka

To piggy back off the age comment the ages of the main child characters are Aang 12, Toph 12, Katara 14, Azula 14, Sokka 16, Zuko 16 I'm so excited that we've got to the point that Toph comes in to the show. I'm sure you're gonna love the dynamic she brings to the group.


Sorry about your nose, I hope it doesn’t hurt anymore! Also when you realized why he was called The Boulder I laughed so hard. Honestly I don’t even know if I got that on my first watch haha.